Home > Spouses


December 25th, 2008 at 02:16 am

Do any of you have a spouse who is not completely on board with debt payment? Or how about expecting you to shoulder the debt and other bills while they do not work? My dh and I have been together for over 10 years and married for over 8 years. During that time, he has had a few jobs, mostly labor or simple office work. He is disable from when he was in the military and so there are certain kinds of work he cannot do. But a friend of his is starting a publishing company and has asked him to write a book. So far, he says he is doing "research." I myself have written about 4 articles for professional journals in the time that he is still doing "research." If he did successfully publish a book, he could completely pay off our debt, but he does not seem motivated. What do you do about a spouse who is not motivated to help achieve financial freedom? He tells me that I worry too much, but I am the one with no money in savings who has to pay for the "surprises" that occur once in awhile.

2 Responses to “Spouses”

  1. Amber Says:

    Wish I had some advice, I say give him time and try not to talk about money every day or even try get him to help with the check book

  2. boomeyers Says:

    I guess you can just keep encouraging him to get it done. Offer to help him outline things or type things or even bounce ideas off you. I guess a little gentle "nagging" won't hurt. Just let him know you EXPECT him to do this to help out, not ask him IF he is going to do it. Best of luck!

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