Home > 2013 Goals Progress and Overall Progress Since Last Year

2013 Goals Progress and Overall Progress Since Last Year

December 30th, 2013 at 07:37 pm

My goals progress this year has been terrible. I admit it, but I'm not going to give up or beat myself up about it. Instead of critiquing my progress on the goals, I am going to examine my overall progress since the end of 2012 based on looking at key areas of my finances.

1) Total savings.
At the end of 2012, my total savings in all my accounts was $2350. Now, it is $765, but I have had to pay for significant car problems this year. I did not go further into debt with the car problems, but it did hamper my savings by having to nearly clean out the savings and then try to rebuild it.

2) Credit Card #1.
At the end of 2012, my total on this credit card was $1957 and now it is $3120. Ugh. No excuses.

3) Credit Card #2.
At the end of 2012, my total on this credit card was $765 and now it is $478.25. I did charge it up some before finally committing to pay it off, so that's why the balance is not lower. I have been paying the minimum plus $56.00 on this credit card. It has 17.9% rate, so I want to pay it off first. Woo-Hoo! It's not huge, but it feels big to me.

4) Mortgage.
At the end of 2012, my mortgage balance was $70,717 and now it is $69,406.99. We have been paying the minimum payment plus $13.41 (that is the amount we would have to pay if it was a late payment and an easily confrontable amount). We will increase this amount gradually in the later future.

5) Retirement.
At the end of 2012, my retirement balance was $46,330.00 and now it is $62,395.79. I did not really do anything major, but with the guidance of a financial advisor, I dumped some funds and other investments that were costing me too much and not giving much return. This is the biggest overall success I have had in 2013.

This is so totally awesome, but there is a lot of room for improvement in 2014. I am going to be concentrating on paying off Credit Card #2 and buildings savings up. I will track my progress and post it.

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