Home > $20 Challenge

$20 Challenge

January 7th, 2007 at 05:41 pm

I just found a dime on the laundry room floor, which brings my total for January to $38.20. All this money is rolling in in dribs and drabs, but it is rolling in.

4 Responses to “$20 Challenge”

  1. living_in_oz Says:

    OMG! I just read one of your comments on another blog and it said you live in SE Kansas! So do I!! I live in the Pittsburg area.

  2. living_in_oz Says:

    Okay, this is TOO weird! I read your first blog entry and it said you work in a library. I work in a library too!LOL How bizarre. We live in the same town(kinda, I don't actually live in town) and we both work in the library system.

  3. living_in_oz Says:

    I know! It's weird! I work at George Nettels. I was just at PSU for some training on the new system a couple weeks ago.

  4. jersey jen Says:

    you know what's funny? one time, i looked under and around a soda machine and found enough coins to buy one.

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