Car Died, Another Payday, More Debt Paid Off
July 19th, 2013 at 11:07 pmWell, about a week ago, the head gaskets in my car blew courtesy of a little plastic thing around the coolant hose that fell apart, causing the car to overheat. I had to almost completely clean out the savings in order to buy a different car. I suppose the really good news is that I had the money sitting there and while I didn't really want to use it, it was necessary. It is not easy to get around where I live without a car.
Also, one of dh's hospital bills is paid off. I printed off the cleared check a couple of days ago. Woo-hoo!
My current challenge is to continue to pay off credit cards and medical bills and build up savings to where it was before. I think I will also do a pantry challenge to see if I can make lunches to take to work for the next 2 weeks out of what is in my pantry and freezer.
I will also be getting a raise, but I am not sure when to actually expect it. That will help me a lot with my goals.