2022 Personal and Financial Improvement Plan
December 23rd, 2021 at 06:06 pmNotice that I did not call it a resolution. I don't like that word, as that makes it sound like a law, but I am not something to be governed, so I am calling it a plan. My plan is simple
1) Pay down cc #1 to $00.00 by 03/31/2022.
2) Continue to take out cash on payday for my everyday purchases. Ongoing.
3) Continue to eat super healthy through gardening and buying from local farmers. I am stepping up my gardening game to include sweet potatoes and cucumbers. Also, I plan to grow a few items in the fall and winter next year as cover crops. Ongoing.
4) Contribute any coupons, rebates, or sales savings to credit card payoff and emergency savings. This is a money game I play. Ongoing.
5) Save up for vacation. Target Date (12/15/2022)