October 16th, 2014 at 07:48 pm
I have today and tomorrow off. I probably will not be going anywhere or spending much money, so I decided to allocate some extra towards payoff of cc #2. Woo-Hoo! That brings the balance to $245.25.
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Found Money,
Debt Payoff Challenge
October 15th, 2014 at 01:44 am
I have cc #2 to a much lower balance now. I plan to have it paid off by the end of the year. I am going to use survey money, rebate money, regular payments, and not so regular payments. Woo-Hoo!
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Debt Payoff Challenge
October 10th, 2014 at 02:54 pm
Hi, everyone. It's all boring here. I got paid again. The only really exciting things are that 1) my raise finally came in and 2) we are having the rest of our windows measured on Monday for replacement.
I have lost count of my Challenge amount, so I won't count that here. Here are my numbers. Because my raise got delayed due to a contract negotiation issue, I got extra catch up money in my pay today.
$20.00 Deposit to slush fund
$40.00 Deposit to regular savings
$40.00 Deposit to car account
$40.00 Deposit to house account
$40.00 Deposit to professional account
$20.00 Deposit to aaa/tax savings account
$ 6.00 Deposit to escrow account
I will be making some payments to the cc's. I just have not decided how much yet. I am also getting an oil change this weekend and buying a new mop. That may not sound like a splurge to most, but I have needed one for awhile now and had no funds to spare. I have been putting so much into paying down debt and putting into savings.
We refi-ed our house last month, so we had no payment due for October. I am using the "extra" to 1) pay for the deposit on a new window and 2) pay down credit card debt. Here are the numbers so far on that.
$225.00 Set Aside for window deposit
$ 40.00 Payment to cc #1
$ 40.00 Payment to cc #2
$ 59.95 Set Aside for an Annual Expense
$ 82.46 Extra padding for checking account
That leaves $119.20 (I previouly typed $179.15. I have no idea where I got that number) for me to figure out what to do with. I think I will throw it all at cc #2.
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