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Archive for April, 2014

52 Week Challenge Progress

April 28th, 2014 at 07:03 pm

Hi, everyone. My stepdaughter, who lives with us, gives us money for rent, etc. twice a month. Much of the time I put it towards a credit card or other debt. This time, I am putting it towards the Challenge.

Previous 52 Week Challenge Balance $1726.07

$20.00 rent money from stepdaughter deposited towards house savings for new window (brings house account balance to $140.11)

Also, while rummaging through my purse for a deposit slip this morning, I discovered an envelope with $4.00 in it I had earmarked to put into savings, except somehow I never deposited it. It goes to my Challenge, too! I deposited the whole $24.00 this morning. That brings the house account up to $144.11. Woo-Hoo! I only have $80.89 to go on the funds needed for the new window.

This brings my new challenge balance to $1750.07.

A Debt is PAID OFF, Payday, and Other Stuff

April 25th, 2014 at 11:41 am

Hi, everyone. I am doing another snoopy dance. My dh's hospital bill #4 is paid off! Woo-Hoo! Also, I got paid, so more money went to savings, retirement, and credit cards. Will update more with balances later.


$40.00 deposit to regular savings
$40.00 deposit to car savings
$80.00 set aside for new window for house (brings total to $120.11 - need $225.00 by middle of June)
$6.51 pmt to cc #2
$41.51 pmt to dh's hospital bill #4

This brings my new Challenge total to: $1726.07

This is amazing, and so much more than I thought I could do this year!

I will put more towards the window set aside and cc#2 on May 1st.

Mortgage is Down!

April 17th, 2014 at 03:48 pm

Hey, everyone. I'm just a little snoopy dance moment. My mortgage is now under $69,000. I think we are still upside down though compared to the market value. Oh well, I did not buy a house to get rich, anyway.

Payday and 52 Week Challenge Balance

April 13th, 2014 at 10:57 pm

Hi, everyone. I got paid on Friday and since then, several things have happened.

Prior Challenge Balance: $1383.05

Paid $5.00 to cc #2

Regular Savings Deposit $40.00

Deposit to Car and House Savings $40.00

Purchased a pair of shoes on line for $99.97, which saved me at least $50.00

New Challenge Balance: $1518.05

I also purchased gardening supplies and had my garden tilled so that I can spend more on eliminating debt and eating better organic food.

I also allocated 1/2 of May's mortgage and $20.00 for future replacement of 2 more tires. More money went into retirement also, but I am not counting that in the Challenge.

My husband and I also paid a deposit of $225.00 for a new window for our house. It will come to us and be installed in about 8 weeks, when we have to have the balance of $225.00. I have $40.11 in the House Account right now and will work to accumulate the rest in the next 8 weeks. I have some funds coming from mrrebates on May 1st, so that will help.

52 Week Challenge Progress

April 5th, 2014 at 12:15 pm

Former Challenge Balance: $1333.05

Extra Payment to cc #2 $50.00 (instead of the planned $20.00)

New Challenge Balance: $1383.05

I decided to use the $12.10 I got from mrrebates towards buying a pair of shoes I badly need. I have about $30 more in cash for that also and need a total of about $80-$100.

52 Week Challenge Progress

April 1st, 2014 at 02:12 pm

Former Balance: $1267.77

Paid $65.28 regular payment from dh's monthly check to cc #2

New Balance: $1333.05