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Archive for January, 2016

52 Week Challenge Progress

January 31st, 2016 at 09:40 pm

Hello, everyone.

I feel so blessed. I use cc #2 monthly for paying one bill. We also occasionally charge other things to it and it has rewards points which you can cash in for credit, a check, gift cards, etc. I don't like gift cards because they sometimes have fees attached to them or are limited to a specific store. They also have expiration dates and I don't have the time to keep up with such things. I would rather have a credit on the account if I have a balance or a check that I can deposit and spend however I want to. Today, I logged into the account and found that I had 5,000 rewards points. I cashed them in for a credit on the account because I currently have a balance. I am counting this as found money on my 52 week challenge.

Old 52 Week Challenge Balance $573.04

cc #2 rewards points $25.34

New 52 Week Challenge Balance $598.44

52 Week Challenge Progress, Tax Refund, and Other Stuff

January 30th, 2016 at 09:48 pm

Hi, everyone.

My husband gets his monthly check on Monday. When it clears, I will send $66.70 directly to cc #1.

Also, the mortgage payment clears on Monday. It is already allocated for.

I will have another Pinecone deposit soon and I will send it directly to cc #1.

I used $7.63 of spare change towards my grocery bill today. I made an equal payment towards cc #2. I charged a small amount to it and need to get it paid off soon.

We went to have our taxes done today. We will get $1095 from federal and $137 from the state.

I will probably be able to cash in my rewards points on cc #2 later next week. I am probably going to ask for it as a check, as I don't do gift cards.

We need to have some work done our car that will cost about $700.00. With the remaining $531.00, I will make a large payment to cc #1. With the earlier $66.70 payment and this payment, the cc #1 balance will be about $3600. Woo-Hoo! This is awesome. This will go a long ways towards paying off cc #1 this year.

I will post updates later.

Payday and 52 Week Challenge Progress

January 28th, 2016 at 07:35 pm

I get paid tomorrow. I have already paid both cc bills, allocated for 1/2 of the mortgage, and made out a deposit to savings.

Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $379.04

cc #1 payment $50.00
cc #2 payment $20.00
House savings $30.00
Regular Savings deposit $40.00
Professional savings deposit $20.00
Escrow savings deposit $2.00
Tax/AAA Savings deposit $7.00
HVAC Savings deposit $5.00
Slush Deposit $20.00

New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $573.04

52 Week Challenge Progress

January 28th, 2016 at 02:38 am

Hi, everyone.

My cc #1 bill came due and of course, interest on top of the balance. The current balance is $4339.00. I recently cancelled a magazine subscription that I decided I did not want. Because the 1 year subscription had not even completed yet, the gave me a refund in full! Woo-Hoo! That totally surprised me, because I only contacted them to make sure that would cancel it. This is great news. I immediately sent the $39.00 for that to cc #1, bringing cc #1 to $4300.00.

Prior 2016 52 Week Challenge Balance: $340.04

Magazine Refund $39.00

New 2016 52 Week Challenge Balance: $379.04

Profit Payout In Savings Paid to 52 Week Challenge

January 21st, 2016 at 01:25 am

Hi, everyone. My credit union does a profit payout every January. This year, mine is $9.44. I also got a Pinecone deposit. I transferred both directly to cc #1.

Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $327.60

$9.44 Profit Payout Payment to cc #1
$3.00 Pinecone deposit

New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $340.04

This brings my cc #1 balance to $4328.22.

52 Week Challenge Progress

January 19th, 2016 at 12:26 am

Hi, everyone. I sent $5.00 more to cc #1. I want to send more except I want to see the price tag on car repair or replacement first. Ugh. I really hope it is just a repair.

Prior 52 Week Challenge Balance: $322.60

$5.00 extra payment to cc #1

New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $327.60

This brings the cc #1 balance to $4340.66. Woo-hoo!

CC#1 and Mortgage Are Both Down!

January 16th, 2016 at 02:50 pm

Hi, everyone. This is the first time in awhile that my cc #1 balance on the margin is accurate. I would charge something to it, pay it off, but I had a hard time decreasing the balance. Because I had 3 paydays last month and just got paid again yesterday, I have been able to bring it down.

cc#1 balance $4345.66

I have also been doing very well on paying a little extra to the principal on the mortgage, so the balance is going down quickly.

Mortgage Balance $65,248.40

Payday, 52 Week Challenge, and Car Issues

January 16th, 2016 at 12:46 am

Hi, everyone. I got paid today. I have already allocated for 1/2 of the mortgage, mailed a deposit to savings, and paid the gas and electric bills. I also made a $75.00 payment to cc #1. Here are my numbers.

Prior 52 Week Challenge Balance: $5.00

$ 40.00 Regular Savings Deposit
$ 20.00 Car Savings Deposit
$ 20.00 House Savings Deposit
$ 2.00 Escrow Savings Deposit
$ 2.00 Professional Savings Deposit
$ 2.00 HVAC Savings Deposit (for eventual replacement)
$156.60 Principal Paid on Mortgage
$ 75.00 cc #1 payment

New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $322.60

As for my car issues, my car had made a weird noise a couple of times recently. It sounded to me like the starter. When I called a mechanic, I scheduled an appointment to bring it in. I had him listen to the sound. He got a weird look on his face. He said it sounded to him not like the starter but the fly wheel. Anyway, the mechanic said later that to fully diagnose would take a minimum of 8 hours labor at $70.00 per hour. That's not counting the cost of the part needing to be replaced or labor for replacing them. Ugh. I have been so careful with this car because it has a slight oil leak and power steering fluid leak and have watched those like a hawk, but had no idea about this.

52 Week Challenge Progress

January 8th, 2016 at 02:53 pm

Hi, everyone. I am sending an extra $5.00 to cc #1 today just because...

Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $0.00

$5.00 payment to cc #1

New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $5.00