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Archive for October, 2011
October 31st, 2011 at 12:16 am
When I did this recently, it was so successful I decided to do it again. If you would like an easy way to make a little extra money for savings, paying off debt, buying Christmas presents, or whatever, just click here. It's easy and there is absolutely no cost.
Text is http://superpoints.com/wrpgs/u8a5m6 and Link is http://superpoints.com/wrpgs/u8a5m6
Full disclosure: I will get a 25 points bonus for recruiting someone.
I have been using my "spare" money from rebates and surveys to save for a new car.
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Savings Game,
Found Money,
Debt Payoff Challenge
October 29th, 2011 at 01:30 am
Well, I made it to payday. My challenge was to make it without using the debit card or credit card. The credit card stayed safe and snug, but my husband was sick and I had to take him to the doctor, so I did use the debit card. I think I did use it for a couple of other small things, too, but I used cash for everything else. Woo-Hoo!
I am going to take my pocket change to Coinstar tomorrow. It should be around $3.00 or so. I will add it to my car account. I will also add another $20 to the same account and $20 to the house account.
Now that my regular savings is up over $1000, I decided to divert the normal $40 I have been putting in there every payday to paying down the credit card. I fought very hard to get it up over $1000 and plan on maintaining that.
My retirement is also up. Woo-hoo!
My husband will go to make our mortgage payment on Tuesday. Yea!
Here is what I would like my retirement to be like.
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Debt Payoff Challenge,
Spare Change Challenge
October 27th, 2011 at 02:27 am
Thanks to saving4rainyday, I found this new mantra about money. It's funny that I have thought this all my life, but Will Smith put it so succinctly that I can't help but to quote it here.
"Many people spend money they don't own, to buy things they don't need, to ask acceptance from people they don't know." Will Smith
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Savings Game,
October 27th, 2011 at 01:38 am
If you are interested in making a little extra money doing surveys, etc., click on this link. There is absolutely no cost to join and earning points is fast and easy.
Text is http://superpoints.com/wrpgs/a5dbcf and Link is http://superpoints.com/wrpgs/a5dbcf
Full disclosure: I will get 25 points for a friend signing up, but mostly I just wanted to pass along a good opportunity to earn a little extra money.
I have been putting my extra dollars towards paying off the credit card and beefing up my car account. My car account will enable us to replace our car in 1-2 years with a used or new car.
By the way, if they link above does not work for you, post a comment and I will get another token. The tokens can only be used once.
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Found Money
October 23rd, 2011 at 09:43 pm
Well, we are a little low on cash. Counting the $273.31 allocation for 1/2 of the mortgage and Netflix, we have $.08 left in checking. Neither have been actually debited from our account, just allocated for. Making the house payment is easier for me if I allocate 1/2 in the first paycheck and 1/2 in the second. If I have a third paycheck, then I pay a little extra. My challenge this week is to get through the week without using my debit or credit card once.
Here are my meals planned out for the week:
1) meatloaf - 2 meals, one meal with baked potatoes made only 1 meal!
2) Omelets or scrambled eggs, side of chicken or ham - 3 meals 1 Down, 2 to go
3) 13 bean soup with ham, onion, tomatoes, and spices - 4 meals 1 Down, 3 to go
4) oatmeal - 3 meals 1 Down, 2 to go
5) leftover chili spaghetti casserole - 3 meals 1 Down, 2 to go
6) spaghetti over rice - 1 meal
7) salad with a side of leftover chili - 1 meal
8) chicken salad w/ side of crackers and carrots - 1 meal Done
9) gluten free lunchmeat sandwiches
10) lunch out on 10-28-2011!
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Food Challenge,
October 13th, 2011 at 09:09 pm
I have been off sick today with my asthma and allergies bothering me. While sitting at home drinking my tea and taking medicine, I have planning next week's meals. This is what I have come up with and will likely have some left over.
1) Chili with ground beef, tomatoes, onion, spices - 3 meals
2) Roast beef - will likely make 3 meals, including roast beef sandwiches
3) Spaghetti with ground beef, canned tomatoes, beans, onion, spices. I will eat mine with rice. 1 meal
4) Chili Spaghetti Casserole with ground beef, canned tomatoes, onion, black beans, spices, and noodles baked in a pan. This is a great, easy to fix meal when you add sour cream and the cheese of your choice. I will add a side of carrots, apple, and water from home. 4 meals
5) Gluten Free Ham Sandwich, carrots, apple, water from home 1 meal
6) Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Almond Milk, Honey, and Raisins 3 meals
7) Scrambled Eggs with Gluten Free Ham 1 meal
8) Almond Butter Sandwich, carrots, apple, water from home 1 meal
9) Dinty Moore Beef Stew, apple, water from home 2 meals
10) Salad with tuna, carrots, onions, apple, water from home 1 meal
11) Chicken Salad Sandwich, carrots, apple, water from home 1 meal
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Food Challenge
October 12th, 2011 at 01:08 am
Hi, everyone.
I have heard over and over again that one of the keys to financial success is spending less than what you earn. My logical mind knows this fact inside and out. Recently, I met with the retirement planning counselor for my plan. He asked a lot of questions about my finances in general (amount in savings, insurance, budget, etc.). When I told him that for my regular savings account, I had only around $750 in it, he gently said that I need at least 6 months of expenses in savings. I actually had a copy of my budget in my hand and know that it takes approximately $2000 to meet all normal bills. He said, "Well then you need $12,000 minimum in savings." Like I said, my logical brain knows this, but it really helped to get my butt in gear by hearing it from a financial planning counselor. Since then, I have been really watching my spending by taking out $20.00 cash for snacks and stuff. I pretty well stick to my guns and don't really spend outside that, allowing me to set aside a little extra for savings. I have also been putting my "found money" from surveys and rebates into the car account. $12,000. Wow. Well, I will get there somehow. I will break $1000 in my main savings account on Friday. I have also been adding to the house account, which we are planning to use for buying new windows for the house. Woo-Hoo!
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Savings Game,
October 11th, 2011 at 01:39 am
Hey, everyone. It has a been a bit of a crappy day here in my house. It was the beginning of a great deal until I grabbed my purse and lunch and was ready to leave for work. When I looked out the front door, I saw that the mailbox was not on the post where it should be but on the ground. I immediately said an expletive. Not characteristic of me, but I was so frustrated since we just replaced the mailbox post barely 3 months ago. This time they bashed in the mailbox, too. My husband, who was half asleep at the time said heard me and asked what's wrong. I told him and he immediately came running to verify it. He grabbed his cell phone to call the cops. I had to leave for work, so I let him handle the cops. Tonight, we went to Home Depot to buy a better mailbox. When we talked to the folks at Home Depot, they recommended the following mailbox and also a heavy duty steel post:
Text is http://www.homedepot.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?storeId=10051&productId=100064357&langId=-1&catalogId=10053&ci_sku=100064357&ci_kw={keyword}&cm_mmc=shopping-_-googleads-_-pla-_-100064357&ci_gpa=pla&locStoreNum=3902 and Link is http://www.homedepot.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDi...
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October 9th, 2011 at 05:16 am
How do you respond when you go to a store (Best Buy, JC Penney) and they tell you they need your phone number, zip code, address, email address, etc. for a "survey"? Now, keep in mind I am not talking about information for if you are buying an extended warranty, applying for a credit card, or other service. I am talking about just going into the store to buy something and someone demands your phone number and/or zip code.
I personally decline and tell them if such information is required for a sale, they can either call a manager or lose a sale, because that information is not required to do a sale. They generally do give in, but I have had to get store management involved a couple of times.
I just get really uptight whenever people ask for my phone number, social security number, address, etc. for no good reason. I won't even give my social security number to a doctor's office, because even the insurance company does not have it. Obviously, the doctor needs my phone number and address, though. I must be in the minority on this issue because most of the time, they look at me like I have just grown three heads.
Why won't I give out such innocuous information as a zip code or phone number when it is not really needed, you might ask? Well, it's a privacy issue. I come into a store usually to buy a specific thing, not to apply for a home loan or credit card. And I don't need to be told whatever "wonderful" products they have, so I don't need spam or junk mail. I am an adult capable of dialing a phone or getting on the internet to find out what they do have, but they don't seem to understand that.
I think the only thing that I hate worse is when I go into a store and they want to sell me a credit card to save me some money. Yea, right, a 25% interest credit card is going to "save" me money.
I was just wondering how many other people there are out there like me.
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