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Archive for April, 2020


April 21st, 2020 at 01:48 am

Hi, everyone.

It definitely has been awhile. I believe it has been at least a month since I last blogged. I have been working at home for a little over a month now. Like many others, I am also concerned about my job.

Since we are dealing with this type of situation in one way or another, I was wondering if we could also make a list of our strategies of how we have been dealing with higher food costs, healthcare issues, and loss of income or a job for some. Maybe pooling our ideas would give us all some fresh ideas.

Here is my list of ideas for weathering through the financial side of the coronavirus:

1) putting any savings from not driving so much into savings or towards debts or bills
2) putting any savings from coupons or sales into savings or towards debts or bills
3) planting a garden so that we are less dependent on grocery stores - I also buy some thing direct from farmers
4) doing surveys and putting money towards savings or towards debts or bills
5) working on resume
6) gaining valuable job skills through online learning platforms
7) cashing in rebates and put money into savings or towards debts or bills
8) buy meat on sale and freeze it for later use
9) buy vegetables on sale and chop and freeze it or blanch and freeze it for later use

Do any of you have any ideas?