Hello. This is my first blog entry. Currently, I have $50.74 in my savings account and owe about $900 on my credit card. I also have about $4000 in medical bills from mine and my husband's medical emergencies earlier this year. In 2001, we had declared Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, which is a debt management plan. We paid faithfully on our debt for 3 1/2 years and the rest was discharged in July 2004. We were doing great up until March this year when my husband had to go to the hospital 5 different times for 1 medical problem. I also had to have surgery. These expenses ate up what savings we did have set aside for emergencies. The $50.74 is what I have managed to piece together since. I realize this is futile given the interest rate I am paying on my credit card, which I only recently discovered is 18%!
My husband is a disabled army vet and so there are certain kinds of work he can't do, like lifting more than a certain amount of weight or being on his feet a lot. Beginning with my final payment on my truck this Friday, I will be putting my best foot forward to rid myself of this debt for good and go towards financial freedom. My husband posted a question about our situation to a forum he is a member of and was advised to check out work at home opportunities. I found a website for that http://www.wahm.com. He is checking that out to see if there is any way he can make some money that way. There is a Starbucks close to us and he is going to see someone there as soon we get our car back from the mechanic.
I have worked over and worked over our finances trying to pare them down and this is our monthly income and expenses. We are spending a lot on cell phones. I saw something on someone else's blog about skype, which we are investigating as a replacement, but our contract does not run out until December. We have not dined out in about a month, so this is accurate. This internet does seem high, but it is the cheapest internet around here except for dialup, which DH does not want.
$2218 my income
$425 rent
$49.95 internet
$69 cell phones
$240 food (groceries)
$213 electricity
$20 gas bill
$80 gas for truck
$200 truck payments (last 1 is 9/22)
$20 hospital bill #1
$50 hospital bill #2
$20 doctor bill #1
$20 doctor bill #2
$69 truck/car/renter's insurance
$25 Netflix
$40 credit card
$40 regular health care bills
I investigated skype last night on the internet and found it costs about $37 per year, which is next to nothing compared to $69 per month. So that would definitely be a step in the right direction. I hope my husband can find some kind of work soon, any work.
I you have any other ideas about something I could do, please pipe in. I am all ears and will consider any ideas.
My Journey Towards Freedom From Debt
September 19th, 2006 at 02:04 am
September 19th, 2006 at 02:42 am 1158630166
September 19th, 2006 at 02:52 am 1158630765
If just the two, I think you might could pare down your grocery a bit if you worked at it...and your electric bill seems a bit high. Is your house total electric? Looks like you have natural gas? Water is included with your rent? Trash service?
September 19th, 2006 at 03:16 am 1158632202
Do you have health insurance? If not, it's probably worth it for you to do a web search and find good, cheap insurance, so that you don't get flooded with more medical debt in the future.
As for reducing your bills, I agree with LuxLiving that you could probably get the grocery bill down a bit with careful work and a good planning. The electricity also sounds a bit high. You could also call your Internet company and threaten to cancel (or ACTUALLY cancel - DSL is almost as fast and is probably $20 cheaper than cable).
September 19th, 2006 at 05:17 am 1158639458
I agree about the health insurance, even major medical would be good.
As for jobs for your husband, there are all kinds of places to look. Data entry is easy and a sit down thing. How about setting appointments at an automotive garage or muffler place or jiffy lube? How about the library or an aide at a hospital or nursing home. Working at a storage facility place where you rent storage space to people. If he can drive, how about a driving type job, school bus, taxi, courier service?
Call your CC company and tell them you want a lower rate. It may not go down much, but anything helps!
Good luck!
September 19th, 2006 at 03:40 pm 1158676848
September 19th, 2006 at 04:00 pm 1158678018
September 19th, 2006 at 08:48 pm 1158695296
September 19th, 2006 at 08:52 pm 1158695562
My piece of advice? Check with the military for your husband insurance as far as medical. My mom was in the military only a short time and now she qualifies for all kinds of medical coverage and care, very cheaply. Check out the nearest van vet hospital to you and that might help alleviate any medical problems in the future. It sure has given me piece of mind with my mom and her health!
Welcome aboard! We hope you are successful!
September 20th, 2006 at 02:48 am 1158716927
In your situation I would work on geting food and electricity bills down.
I would also cancel Netflix (I'm sure you have TV at home?) and this is extra $25 to put towards your medical bills or credit card.
Good luck!
September 28th, 2006 at 10:21 pm 1159478514
Firstly, I am sorry for all of your medical problems/bills. Oh Boy...can I relate to that! My husband and I both do not have any medical or prescription coverage, and it has been murder. In addition, my husband has been out of work since last Novemeber. During that time, we lived off of some savings, which came from an inheritance from my mom. Well, that's just about gone now. Hopefully, my husband will be returning back to work mid Oct. of this year.
I'd love to know what state you live in...if you don't mind sharing that? I live on Long Island, New York. I currently pay $1350.00 monthly rent (for a measly "dump" of a 2-bedroom apt. in a private house), and we also have to pay electric hot water....which is ridiculously high. In addition, phone, cable, car insurance, food, etc.
I symphazie with you in all sincerity. I hope things get better for you and your husband. It sure is rough out there.
God Bless,