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What Frugal Thing Did You Do Today?

September 26th, 2006 at 04:42 am

The most frugal thing I did today was to enroll in the average payment plan for my electric company. My husband kept saying they wouldn't let us do it because we hadn't lived here long enough. Well, I did it online and in about 10 minutes. So, no more surprise $219 electric bills. When I was done, the program told me the average payment I would be making would be $99. Talk about savings!! Wow!

Next on my agenda tomorrow night - call the credit card company.

2 Responses to “What Frugal Thing Did You Do Today?”

  1. jacquelynrose Says:

    Wow, that sounds neat!

  2. Carolina Bound Says:

    I've been on the budget plan for my gas and electric for many years now. I love knowing what my bills will be. And I usually get a nice surprise during the settle-up month, because I use less than they estimate.

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