Home > Gas Bill Conquered!

Gas Bill Conquered!

September 30th, 2006 at 04:08 am

Well, today during a lull at work, I signed up for the equal payment plan for my gas company. My monthly payment will be $95.40, which is more than the $18.46 I paid this past month. But, I won't be paying $200 per month this winter.

This past Saturday, I deposited an extra $20 I had from an out of town trip back into my checking. When the deposit cleared, I went online and made an online payment to the credit card. $20 more paid on the debt! Woo-hoo!

I get paid again on October 6th and already have mapped out exactly how I am going to spend my money. I found a budget spreadsheet on the internet, which I modified by adding a column to show how much I allotted for food, for example. I added another column to show what I actually spent for each pay period. I have created an allotment for savings for long term savings and short term emergency savings.

2 Responses to “Gas Bill Conquered!”

  1. yummy64 Says:


  2. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Way to go setting up your budgeting! 20 dollars less on the CC is also nice!
    MY DW and I use the level payment plan. In the end we get money back but we have to argue with the utility company to get our payments lowered!

    Keep up the good work!Smile

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