Home > Savings Game

Savings Game

October 1st, 2006 at 04:47 am

Hi, everyone. Well, the most frugal thing I did today was save $15.69 on my grocery purchases today. I used 3 coupons, two of which were doubled. A lot of meat was on sale, which is good because I buy a lot of meat. I also took my own bags, which gave me an extra $.20. The best purchase of all was Cottonelle bath tissue triple roll package. It was advertised on sale at $5.99. Original price was $7.99. I had a coupon from for $1.00, so it was $4.99. Wow!

I work in a library and am on the Friends of the Library board. We had a book sale today to raise money for the organization and we made $222.80. I donated about 9 books to clear to rid my house of stuff I wasn't using and bought 4 others for $.60.

The bad thing is that I incorrectly estimated the time it would take me to get my shopping done, so when I got back from shopping, I had to take a shower and get dressed. I didn't have time to eat lunch at home, so I ate at the mall where we had the book sale. I ate cheap and good for $6.02.

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