Home > Gone to Pot Soup

Gone to Pot Soup

October 21st, 2006 at 07:48 pm

Hi, everyone. Well, the most frugal thing I did today was to save $17.78 on groceries I bought for next week. I have two coupons of $.35 each, which were doubled and I took 4 of my own bags. Next time, I will only be able to take 2 of my own bags, as the other two bit the dust today. I also aired up one of the tires on the truck that was looking low, which may improve the mileage in my old truck. I found a recipe on

Text is and Link is blog. I adapted it a little bit. It smells really great and I think I will have enough for lunch every day next week. Here it is:

Gone to Pot Soup

2 lb boneless chuck roast meat, cut up into pieces
1 large onion, chopped
garlic powder, to taste
1 14 oz can diced tomatoes
1 can of beef broth
1 10 oz box of frozen spinach
approximately 1/2 lb of yellow squash
celtic sea salt
black pepper

Brown the onions and beef in a stock pot. Once the onions are translucent, add the remaining ingredients. Simmer on low heat for about 30 minutes.

While I used beef, I think you could use any kind of meat. Just change the kind of broth you use. Add whatever kind of vegetables suit you. I like to use one pot for making soup like this, because it saves in not having to wash a skillet, a pot, etc. Enjoy!

1 Responses to “Gone to Pot Soup”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    Yeah, any ol' kind of meat should do. The basic idea for the Gone To Pot soup was from an Italian Wedding Soup recipe from The Hubster's family. The original used chicken and tiny sausage balls and no squash or tomatoes.

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