I just noticed something weird about my paycheck. It's $21 higher than usual. I doublechecked to make sure they charged for health insurance (yes) and retirement (yes). All okay there. Then, I remembered that the health insurance premiums went down due to lower costs incurred by members. We found this out during the annual insurance meeting in September. I had just forgotten about it until now. It looks like I can re-do my budget. I feel really prosperous, even though it's only $21. I am so thankful for good health and for having a good job with health insurance. This is really unexpected and I really feel like celebrating. (Hear a serious, Walter Kronkite-like voice here.) No money will be spent in celebrating this win.
Wow. This is fun.
January 14th, 2007 at 12:47 am 1168735626
Little stuff like that helps!
January 14th, 2007 at 12:49 am 1168735781