Home > Planners, Calendars, and Other Stuff

Planners, Calendars, and Other Stuff

February 10th, 2007 at 11:24 pm

Up until recently, I had been keeping all of my appointments, reminders, etc. on a palm pilot. Well, one day I went to check for the time and day of something and it seems all my data on the palm is toast. I have no idea how it happened, but it did. I had not backed it up to my computer in months, as I never could get it to back up correctly. Anyway, I have chosen this opportunity to simplify my life. The frequent beeping of my pilot to remind me of something or another was always a little annoying.

As I am trying to be frugal, I did not go out a buy a new calendar or planner. I have located a number of free sources where you download what you need, print it, and put it into an existing or new notebook or something of the sort. I had one of those professional portfolio things that I used when I went to interview for my current job. It has a 3-ring binder inside, so that is what I am using. I was so grateful to have found these wonderful options, that I knew I had to share it will all of you.

DIY Planner
Text is and Link is

Calendars - Print Free
Text is and Link is

Oh, and on other stuff, my debt amount is down to $6,938.83, becuase I paid some on all of my debts yesterday. I also rolled $5.50 to deposit to Short Term Savings today. This feels great and I feel really properous. I have enough money for everything I need right now and I feel terrific.

Happy February, Everybody!

2 Responses to “Planners, Calendars, and Other Stuff”

  1. Carolina Bound Says:

    Same thing happened to me on a palm pilot. I use a Daytimer now, and I like it a lot better.

  2. cindilee Says:

    I use a planner and my Blackberry. It sucks when you lose the info and didnt have it backed up.

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