Home > Murphy Struck Again

Murphy Struck Again

November 24th, 2009 at 03:02 am

Well, folks, Murphy struck last week. Something went wrong with my car. My husband said it was gaskets on the manifold. He might as speak Chinese to me, because I don't understand it. But what I do understand is that took $520.00 from my savings and $100.00 from my checking to pay for it. I am not happy, but at least it is not $620.00 in credit card debt. We must look on the bright side. Anyway, I am on a quest this week to replenish my savings as quickly as possible. However, I do have more car repairs coming up, about $100.00 to clean the fuel injectors.

1 Responses to “Murphy Struck Again”

  1. Waterfall Says:

    I know. I just hate when the blah, blah, blah goes on the car too. Why does it always cost so much. You would think people would have rebelled against cars a long time ago.

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