Home > Financial Update

Financial Update

January 9th, 2010 at 02:56 pm

Well, I got paid again yesterday. I have already paid the gas and electric bills and the AAA membership. My auto/renter's insurance is on automatic withdrawal and will occur later in the month. I also made a payment on the credit card. I bought replacement pages for my planner yesterday. Last year, I was carrying a big, heavy planner that was like a large notebook. I bought another smaller, lightweight one at a yard sale. I am much happier with it, as my back was starting to hurt carrying the old one around. Later today, I will be going to the credit union to deposit some money into my car account, house account, and professional account. I already updated the balances, though. I will be getting updated statements for hospital bills #1 and #2 soon. I will pay those then.

Oh, recently I saw a post on another forum about unclaimed property. Just out of curiosity, I checked to see if any money was available for me in the several states I have lived in. Supposedly, the amount I am getting is between $1-$5, so it's not huge, but it is something. Check this website for your name:

Text is and Link is There might be money there for you, too! You do have to fill out a form and provide some proof of identification, but it seems so worth it.

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