Home > 30 in 30 Days Challenge!

30 in 30 Days Challenge!

January 30th, 2010 at 06:39 pm

Well, I guess the month is not officially over, but I am calling my part of the challenge over. I was able to get rid of 35 things. For my dresser and closet, it helped me to clear out some space so I can see better what I actually have. As far as saving money, I think that would be it there. If I can see what clothes I actually do have, I won't be so tempted to go and buy more. A feng shui expert I know does say that clutter represents stuck "chi" or energy. So getting rid of clutter can help with that, too.

- gave all clothes to charity, except for a threadbare pair of socks
- gave a lot of plastic bags to charity
- gave 2 books to charity
- recycled some old magazines and one water-damaged book
- took old receipts, old checks, old deposit slips, and junk mail to a place where they are guaranteed to be shredded
- recycled old insurance information packet
- threw away old non-working marker

How did you all do? How did it help you?

2 Responses to “30 in 30 Days Challenge!”

  1. fern Says:

    You did better than me! I tried selling a few things but no takers, so i threw out an old sander, a cordless drill, some rusty switchplates, a toilet snake and a book, most recently, but i know it didn't add up to 30.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    It's been going well on the selling, I know I recycled plenty of items and threw quite a few things out as well. I actually didn't track the non sales items...just to time consuming!

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