Home > and other news . . . and other news . . .

September 23rd, 2010 at 04:36 am

Well, I sold one book already, on Monday I think. I mailed it off (shipping is free). I am supposed to get payment within 3 days. I am already looking at frequently a local ongoing book sale, buying books that cash4books will buy, and selling them. I looked some up to see what types will sell well. It's a little bit of everything. I am putting the loot into my Spare Change/Conference Challenge.

Oh, and I got good news on the Conference Challenge. I have applied for additional funding at work to attend the conference based on doing a presentation there. If the funding is approved, they can pay for my conference registration as a loan out of the reimbursement I would be expected to get.

More new on the gluten free front also. I finally found a bread I can eat that does not have any wheat, barley, rye, oats, or dairy in it. It is definitely different than regular bread, but it is quite tasty.

1 Responses to “ and other news . . .”

  1. crazyliblady Says:

    Sorry. I didn't mean to imply that it was a bad different. It is called Udi's and they have several varieties, including one type that sort of looks like a white bread (it's made with rice) and also bagels. I have not tried the bagels yet, though. The rice bread has a different texture than wheat bread, but it is pretty tasty. I had 6 pieces today alone (2 at lunch and 4 at dinner). The website for the company below has testimonials of people with celiac disease of how good it is. If you want to try to get some, try a health food store or a grocery store in the frozen foods. Other people I have talked to say they don't think could go without dairy, wheat, barley, rye, oats, and soy, but there are a lot of things I am willing to give up to feel healthy.

    udisglutenfree dot com/

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