Well, if you have been following my blogs in the last couple of weeks, you know that my car is dead and we are planning to get rid of it. However, we cannot get another car right away. We refuse to go into debt for a car. (What a refreshing viewpoint for my hubby to have!) I had been putting aside money to replace the car when it came time, but there is not very much in it, barely enough to pay for the tag fees. What I need to know is if sell my car right now, whether to the salvage yard or someone else, does the insurance company find out if I don't tell them? I do not want them to cancel my policy. I have had insurance with them since 1992 and have discounts for longevity and clean driving record. I also have a multi-line discount, because my home owner's insurance is with them.
Insurance Question . . .
October 30th, 2010 at 01:12 am
October 30th, 2010 at 03:58 am 1288407498
The new to you car might have a different premium and it might change your homeowner's slightly while you don't have a car because of the multiline discount. However, it would be less than if you held onto the insurance for something you don't have.
Besides that insurance money could go to pay for the six months on the new vehicle or towards the purchase of the new car.
October 30th, 2010 at 09:24 pm 1288470277
Why don't you just call them without identifying yourself and ask your questions.