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The Lunch Challenge is Still On

February 7th, 2011 at 01:43 am

Well, last week, I brought my lunch every day I went to work. I say it like that, because 2 of those days my work was cancelled, so I stayed home. I was basically snowed in, because the roads were terrible, so I did eat my lunches at home. I did get paid for those days, though, so that's good. For the days I went to work, I did buy an iced tea at lunch time, but that was my only real food spending.

And so the lunch challenge continues. I am constantly on the lookout for new recipes and things to eat. My palate gets bored easily. Here's the original recipe that I decided to use.

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I read this recipe on the GingerLemonGirl blog that has ground turkey, quinoa, carrots, and spinach in it. I modified it by substituting other ingredients such as cut up chicken breast, frozen broccoli, brown rice, and turmeric. I couldn't find quinoa anywhere, I already had 2 lbs. chicken on hand, and I don't really like cooked spinach. It has kind of an Indian flavor to it. After dishing it up into serving size containers for my lunches, I had some left over, so I gave some to my husband for lunch. He doesn't even like veggies or rice much, but he loved it. Anyway, here's the recipe as I modified it.

1 cup uncooked rice, quinoa, potatoes, or pasta
2 lbs. cut up chicken breast
olive oil
3 carrots cut up lengthwise
1 onion, cut up
2 cups broccoli, fresh or frozen
1 tbsp turmeric
salt and pepper to taste
red pepper flakes

This actually wound up being a 2 pot meal for meal because I cooked the rice in a separate pot. Cook rice or other product according to package directions. Cut up vegetables. Fry chicken in a pan with olive oil. Add seasonings and vegetables. Simmer for 5 minutes or so. Mix with rice. Serve. Made about 7 servings for us. Adjust the spices and veggies to your taste and food tolerances.

1 Responses to “The Lunch Challenge is Still On”

  1. mamas debt time out Says:

    This sounds really good! I have those ingredients and it doesn't look too difficult. Thanks!

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