Home > Planning Next Week's Meals

Planning Next Week's Meals

October 13th, 2011 at 09:09 pm

I have been off sick today with my asthma and allergies bothering me. While sitting at home drinking my tea and taking medicine, I have planning next week's meals. This is what I have come up with and will likely have some left over.

1) Chili with ground beef, tomatoes, onion, spices - 3 meals

2) Roast beef - will likely make 3 meals, including roast beef sandwiches

3) Spaghetti with ground beef, canned tomatoes, beans, onion, spices. I will eat mine with rice. 1 meal

4) Chili Spaghetti Casserole with ground beef, canned tomatoes, onion, black beans, spices, and noodles baked in a pan. This is a great, easy to fix meal when you add sour cream and the cheese of your choice. I will add a side of carrots, apple, and water from home. 4 meals

5) Gluten Free Ham Sandwich, carrots, apple, water from home 1 meal

6) Oatmeal with Cinnamon, Almond Milk, Honey, and Raisins 3 meals

7) Scrambled Eggs with Gluten Free Ham 1 meal

8) Almond Butter Sandwich, carrots, apple, water from home 1 meal

9) Dinty Moore Beef Stew, apple, water from home 2 meals

10) Salad with tuna, carrots, onions, apple, water from home 1 meal

11) Chicken Salad Sandwich, carrots, apple, water from home 1 meal

1 Responses to “Planning Next Week's Meals”

  1. crazyliblady Says:

    Yes, we did have lots of good food this week. Except for Thursday when I bought myself a salad from a salad bar, the only food spending I did was for an occasional iced tea or soda. I have started drinking more hot tea now that it's getting cooler outside. My husband does not eat exactly the same food as I do, as he only eats veggies like carrots and potatoes. The chili was delicious and we ate it down to the last bite.

    Jerry, where exactly are you that people don't eat chili?

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