Home > Extra Payday in August

Extra Payday in August

July 21st, 2012 at 10:38 pm

I get paid every 2 weeks, which sometimes means I have 3 paydays in one month. I still only have 1 month's worth of expenses, so I have decided to make a plan on how to spend it wisely. Here is what I am planning for my August paydays:

1) $00 to regular savings
$100 to house savings
$100 to car savings
$150 set aside for cc #2 (not paid til later in month)
$200 set aside for mortgage
$240 for groceries
$30 gas for car
$57 gas bill
$7 cigarettes (not mine, hubby's)
$45 chiropractor visit
$40 lawn mowing
$100 Miscellaneous
TOTAL $1069.00

2) $00 to regular savings
$100 to house savings
$100 to car savings
$150 set aside for cc #2 (not paid til later in month)
$200 set aside for mortgage
$240 for groceries
$30 gas for car
$152 electric bill
$40 lawn mowing
$37 trash bill (billed bi-monthly)
$7 cigarettes
$45 chiropractor visit
$40 lawn mowing
$100 Miscellaneous
TOTAL $1241.00

3) $00 to regular savings
$100 to house savings
$100 to car savings
$150 set aside for cc #2 (not paid til later in month)
$200 set aside for mortgage
$240 for groceries
$30 gas for car
$50 water bill
$7 cigarettes
$40 lawn mowing
$80 internet and landline phone bill
$100 Miscellaneous
TOTAL $1097.00

5 Responses to “Extra Payday in August”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    One disappointment with getting paid once a month is never getting that bonus month where you get a little more! On the other hand, I find budgeting easier with a once-a-month paycheck.

  2. crazyliblady Says:

    Absolutely. Thank you, Jerry. It helps me a lot so I don't have to remember I have xxx for the car and xxxx for the house, etc.

  3. crazyliblady Says:

    I am changing up my plan to reflect my desire to massively attack the cc #2 debt.

  4. crazyliblady Says:

    @Jerry. Unfortunately, the chiro visit is not covered. Sometimes, she does actual chiro therapy on me and it is covered. But for the most part, she does acupuncture which is not covered. My insurance company is all too happy to pay for what I call "disease care" (inhalers, antibiotics, allergy shots, and various other drugs). But, I found after awhile, that stuff actually made me sicker. Acupuncture, nutritional therapy, chiropractic, exercise, and drinking 3 liters of water a day make me feel well. Oh, I go to this chiropractor specifically because of her training in chiropractic, nutrition, and acupuncture. No one else here has that.

  5. rob62521 Says:

    You sound very organized. Good job!

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