Home > Payday Today

Payday Today

August 3rd, 2012 at 07:36 pm

Hello, everyone. Well payday #1 for August is here. So, here it goes as far as my progress so far. I have already paid the phone/internet bill and the gas bill. I made a $111.21 payment to credit card #2. $11.21 of that is rebate money from mrrebates when I order stuff online. I discovered that I didn't have to delay til later in the month to pay it. Because it is the same bank as my checking, I just basically make a transfer. That's cool and it will save me time and interest.

$40 is automatically deposited to my regular savings every payday. I transferred that to the car and savings accounts immediately. I need to beef both of those up a lot. I will also put more in tomorrow by check. I have also already made set asides for 1/2 of the mortgage, lawn mowing, and a chiropractor visit.

$00 to regular savings - DONE
$100 to house savings - $20 DONE
$100 to car savings - $60 DONE
$150 set aside for cc #2 - $100 DONE (plus $11.21 rebate money)
$200 set aside for mortgage - DONE
$240 for groceries - DONE
$30 gas for car - WAS ONLY $10.00
$57 gas bill - DONE
$7 cigarettes (not mine, hubby's) - DONE
$45 chiropractor visit - DONE
$40 lawn mowing - DONE
$100 Miscellaneous
TOTAL $1069.00

1 Responses to “Payday Today”

  1. crazyliblady Says:

    Thank you. I am trying really hard to get on top of things. It helps me to have savings buckets so that I can keep track of what I am saving for and how much I have towards the goal. Otherwise, I completely forget what I was saving for and it gets spent on something else. My goal right now is to save a lot more for the house projects and a newer car, as well as pay down the credit cards and keep them paid down. I figure that by doing this and paying a little extra on the mortgage will help us with refinancing a few years from now.

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