Home > Payday is Tomorrow

Payday is Tomorrow

August 17th, 2012 at 01:38 am

Well, hello everyone. Payday is tomorrow. I wanted to get a head start to make sure I make my goals. Just to reiterate, I have 3 paydays this month, so I planned out in advance what to do with the "surplus." I add that I made a mistake in listing lawn mowing twice, so I deleted the duplicate. Here is my plan. I noted in red what I have already done.

$00 to regular savings
$100 to house savings - this will actually go towards repairing our kitchen faucet
$100 to car savings
$150 set aside for cc #2 (not paid til later in month) - $100 paid Friday
$200 set aside for mortgage - DONE
$240 for groceries - spent about $130, $110 left
$30 gas for car - spent about $20, $10 left
$152 electric bill - actually $159 - check has been mailed
$40 lawn mowing - allocated in the checkbook
$37 trash bill (billed bi-monthly) - actually due at end of month, so will put off until next payday
$7 cigarettes - did tonight
$45 chiropractor visit - allocated in the checkbook
$100 Miscellaneous - $48.00 left
TOTAL $1141.00

2 Responses to “Payday is Tomorrow”

  1. wowitsawonderfullife Says:

    Wow, you have a great plan!

  2. North Georgia Gal Says:

    Wonderful Plan!

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