Well, I paid more on debt and want to report on a pet peeve of mine.
$608.86 Previous Balance of 52 Week Challenge
$7.00 Money Previously Allocated for Something We Wound Up Not Buying (saved money twice there!)
$20.00 paid to credit card #1
$11.97 rebate money paid to credit card #2
This brings my balance to $647.83!
Because my employer called off work today due to bad weather, I am probably saving money because I am not out buying something. But that's hard to calculate.
My pet peeve regards cc#2. I got it in 2005 about 4 months after the discharge of my chapter 13 bankruptcy. The company charges an annual fee to use the card. Of course, I could pay it off and cancel the card, but then I would be cutting off my oldest currently open credit line. Not good when I hope to refinance my house some day. So I will keep it and keep it paid off when I get it paid off.
52 Week Challenge Progress and Pet Peeve
February 4th, 2014 at 03:02 pm
February 4th, 2014 at 03:11 pm 1391526712
What is the next oldest card? If it isn't that much older than it probably would be okay to cancel...especially if the refinance won't happen for a year or more. If there is a big difference than you might be right to keep it.
February 4th, 2014 at 03:17 pm 1391527059
February 9th, 2014 at 10:55 pm 1391986534