Home > A Debt is PAID OFF, Payday, and Other Stuff

A Debt is PAID OFF, Payday, and Other Stuff

April 25th, 2014 at 12:41 pm

Hi, everyone. I am doing another snoopy dance. My dh's hospital bill #4 is paid off! Woo-Hoo! Also, I got paid, so more money went to savings, retirement, and credit cards. Will update more with balances later.


$40.00 deposit to regular savings
$40.00 deposit to car savings
$80.00 set aside for new window for house (brings total to $120.11 - need $225.00 by middle of June)
$6.51 pmt to cc #2
$41.51 pmt to dh's hospital bill #4

This brings my new Challenge total to: $1726.07

This is amazing, and so much more than I thought I could do this year!

I will put more towards the window set aside and cc#2 on May 1st.

1 Responses to “A Debt is PAID OFF, Payday, and Other Stuff”

  1. PauletteGoddard Says:

    That is terrific. Congratulations!

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