So, if you recall in my last financial post, I still had $58.00 of my $500.00 reimbursement left. Well, today I sent that to cc #1.
Also, I finally got the second part of my reimbursement in that amount of $1118.62. I have already sent $80.00 total to house, car, and escrow savings. I have also allocated $200.00 for the yard light and doorbell replacement.
-50 1/2 of trip to fayetteville
-60 house savings (1/2 DONE!!)
-60 car savings (1/2 DONE!!)
-100 regular savings
-200 yard light/doorbell (DONE!!!)
-100 cc #1
-75 escrow ($20 TOWARDS THIS SO FAR!!)
-40 fun money
-100 extra slush
-283 other that I have not thought of
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2885.25
$80.00 Savings Deposits
$58.00 cc #1 payment
$200.00 set aside for home repairs/maintenance
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $3223.25
52 Week Challenge Progress
July 22nd, 2015 at 12:33 pm