Home > 52 Week Challenge Progress and Something Funny For Trekkies Out There

52 Week Challenge Progress and Something Funny For Trekkies Out There

July 29th, 2015 at 01:57 am

Hi, everyone. In the mail today, I got something I had actually forgotten all about, a rebate check for Dickinson's astringent for $4.99. I have already deposited it and authorized payment to cc #1. This brings my 52 Week Challenge Balance to $3302.66. Woo-Hoo!

And now for something to give you a giggle, especially if you are a Star Trek fan. This shot came from an original Star Trek series episode called "The Trouble with Tribbles" that aired in 1967.

1 Responses to “52 Week Challenge Progress and Something Funny For Trekkies Out There”

  1. My English Castle Says:

    Love it!

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