Home > 52 Week Challenge Progress, Payday, and Other Stuff

52 Week Challenge Progress, Payday, and Other Stuff

July 31st, 2015 at 02:46 am

Hi, everybody. Well, it seems I have only about $243.00 left of the reimbursement and my husband and I have chosen to use it for both of us to go see a new doctor in town.

Tomorrow, I get paid and so here is my update of the 52 Week Challenge. As always, more money is going to debt, savings, and retirement.

Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $3392.66

Car Savings $20.00
House Savings $20.00
Regular Savings $40.00
Slush Deposit $20.00
cc #1 payment $77.45

New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $3570.11

1 Responses to “52 Week Challenge Progress, Payday, and Other Stuff”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Keep up the good work!

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