Okay, so I have hit a major snag in my plan to pay off cc #1 this year. So, the story goes that last Thursday, the water heater officially died, hence the removal of $500.00 from the house account. It wasn't something I wanted to do, but by the time the plumber arrived, my husband said it was spewing water out the top of the unit. I have not written the check to cover it yet, but it is covered. Fast forward to Wednesday this week when it was 36 degrees outside and our very old furnace was blowing cold air. My husband called a local company to come out and work on it. They "fixed" it, but told us it has a max life of 5 years left. So, we made a mental note to step up the game on saving for the hvac right away. He scheduled a visit with the same company to come out and do a free in home estimate to replace the furnace and a/c. It was basically window shopping so we would know what to shoot for in our savings plan. That same day the furnace quit again, so we began to look more seriously at the quote. The quote is $4564.00 to replace a/c, furnace, thermostat, and a concrete pad for it to rest on. I still had 94% of the tax refund sitting in savings, as we used $95.00 of it to get a new yard/security light installed. When we finally made our minds to accept the quote, we transferred the rest of the tax refund to pay off a large portion of cc #1 in order to cover the cost of the repair. I am definitely going to step up the game of surveys and rebates and not buying non-essentials, like right now!
Payday and My Challenge
March 10th, 2017 at 07:24 pm
March 10th, 2017 at 07:56 pm 1489175776
March 10th, 2017 at 09:42 pm 1489182136
Upcoming payments I know I can make on this debt include:
$3.00 in a week or so from a Pinecone survey
$100.00 on 3/24 from my next payday
$67.10 on 4/1 from vp's payday
approximately $10.00 or so likely from mrrebates
$5.00 in about 5 weeks or so from epoll
March 11th, 2017 at 06:26 am 1489213575
March 11th, 2017 at 06:07 pm 1489255661
Have you checked to see if your local utility company offers a rebate on new installations? It is worthwhile to do Some of them offer a nice rebate since you will be getting energy efficient equipment.
March 11th, 2017 at 08:53 pm 1489265596
March 11th, 2017 at 11:43 pm 1489275824