Home > All Kinds of Good News

All Kinds of Good News

August 22nd, 2020 at 09:20 pm

Hi, everyone.

Yesterday in the mail, we got a refund check. Woo-Hoo!

So, with this refund, I have a plan to put a small amount in DH's savings he uses for video games, etc. With the rest, I plant to pay off a debt and I will save the rest. So, that's one piece of good news. Woo-hoo!

We also got our house painted. Our house is nearly 100 years old, brick, and was somewhat run down when we bought it 10 years ago. So, we have been gradually fixing it up, replacing windows, replacing aged appliances and HVAC, etc. The painters also replaced some cracked mortar. The original brick was a traditional red brick color and it is now painted a light beige. The paint has improved the appearance and we hope the lighter color will help to repel heat in the summer.

I have been successfully accumulating a small stash of canned goods, extra frozen foods, and meats starting about March when the shutdown happened. This has helped up greatly to continue to eat well and stay healthy while not going into debt or having to order everything online. Stores here have been good about keeping most things stocked, but I have not been able to buy paper towels for over a month. So, it's a good thing I stocked up at Big Lots before that.

I have also been putting any extra funds we have onto debts, into savings, or stocking up on extra supplies.

I also bought supplies to donate to the food bank at the college I work at. It breaks my heart to know that college students could have to choose between buying textbooks or eating, so I help students out a little here and there. I check the clearance aisles at the stores and use coupons or sales to buy canned goods, hygiene supplies, and school supplies. Today, I got a package of Bic pens for free because they were on sale for $1.00 and I had a $1.00 coupon for Bic products. I also went to the only thrift store open in my town today where I bought a new, large box of pencils for 50 cents. I will have quite the haul to take to the college food bank on Monday. It feels really awesome to help others, and I actually get a great deal out of it emotionally when I see the look on the face of the workers there when I donate items like canned tuna.

4 Responses to “All Kinds of Good News”

  1. East Coast Saver (Wink) Says:

    Yay for good news! I'm sure your home looks amazing. It always feels good to accomplish those home projects. Before I retired I worked at a community college where we had a student pantry. The need is real, and as you said, heartbreaking to watch young college students struggle. Thank you so much for donating!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    That's wonderful about your home improvement. I bet it feels great every time you get something accomplished too.

    You are smart to have the stockpile.

    What a kind hearted soul you are to buy things for the college students. I'm sure they will appreciate the things you buy.

  3. crazyliblady Says:

    @rob62521. Thank you. It does feel awesome to get things like this done and do so without going into debt. I took the food pantry donation to that office on campus today. The look on the face of the student running it was priceless. I don't feel the need for recognition or for them to even know my name. I just want to give those students better odds to get through school.

  4. GoodLiving Says:

    I work at a college and we also have a food cupboard. Our student demographics are really challenging and then add covid, breaks my heart. I also watch for sales on individual packets of oatmeal (shelf stable) that students might be able to grab if they don't have lunch for the day.

    Yay for newly painted house!

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