Viewing the 'found money' Category
January 28th, 2016 at 02:38 am
Hi, everyone.
My cc #1 bill came due and of course, interest on top of the balance. The current balance is $4339.00. I recently cancelled a magazine subscription that I decided I did not want. Because the 1 year subscription had not even completed yet, the gave me a refund in full! Woo-Hoo! That totally surprised me, because I only contacted them to make sure that would cancel it. This is great news. I immediately sent the $39.00 for that to cc #1, bringing cc #1 to $4300.00.
Prior 2016 52 Week Challenge Balance: $340.04
Magazine Refund $39.00
New 2016 52 Week Challenge Balance: $379.04
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Found Money,
Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
January 21st, 2016 at 01:25 am
Hi, everyone. My credit union does a profit payout every January. This year, mine is $9.44. I also got a Pinecone deposit. I transferred both directly to cc #1.
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $327.60
$9.44 Profit Payout Payment to cc #1
$3.00 Pinecone deposit
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $340.04
This brings my cc #1 balance to $4328.22.
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Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
December 31st, 2015 at 07:29 pm
Hi, everyone.
It looks like everyone who participated in the 52 Week Challenge in 2015 had tremendous progress on their goals. I, for one, have really enjoyed the 52 Week Challenge this year and also the support from all of you on my goals. My goals listed below for 2016 are primarily concentrated on debt payoff again, but I will also be saving money too.
1) Increase my retirement contribution by 0.15% in January.
2) Continuing contributing to savings as normal.
3) Continue making cc #1 payments of $100.00 per payday and also $67.48 out of my husband's monthly check.
4) Contribute any survey money, rebates, etc. towards cc #1 payoff.
5) Grow as much of my own food as I can and buy as much other food organic as possible through local or other sources. This will help me to eat as clean as I possibly can for my own health. I also intend to save some produce as I possibly can with a Foodsaver. I know I can do carrots this way.
6) I will continue using the fountain card as a way to challenge myself to spend as little as possible on beverages while I am at work. I will funnel my savings to cc #1.
7) For awhile, I have been using my pocket change as a way to pay part of my grocery store bill. I will continue this.
Here is the link to the chart you can use. I did not use the chart, as I needed to contribute specific amounts to accomplish my goals of debt payoff.
Text is http://www.savingadvice.com/articles/2013/01/23/1013883_52-week-savings-challenge.html and Link is http://www.savingadvice.com/articles/2013/01/23/1013883_52-w...
Who would like to participate in 2016?
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Savings Game,
Found Money,
Debt Payoff Challenge,
Spare Change Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
December 22nd, 2015 at 01:10 am
My resolutions, financial and otherwise, will be:
1) Increase my retirement contribution by 0.15% in January.
2) Continuing contributing to savings as normal.
3) Continue making cc #1 payments of $100.00 per payday and also $67.48 out of my husband's monthly check.
4) Contribute any survey money, rebates, etc. towards cc #1 payoff.
5) Grow as much of my own food as I can and buy as much other food organic as possible through local or other sources. This will help me to eat as clean as I possibly can for my own health. I also intend to save some produce as I possibly can with a Foodsaver. I know I can do carrots this way.
6) I will continue using the fountain card as a way to challenge myself to spend as little as possible on beverages while I am at work. I will funnel my savings to cc #1.
7) For awhile, I have been using my pocket change as a way to pay part of my grocery store bill. I will continue this.
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Savings Game,
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Debt Payoff Challenge,
Spare Change Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
December 19th, 2015 at 06:53 pm
Hi, everyone.
It was payday yesterday for me, so I have already allocated for 1/3 of the mortgage (in a 3 payday month), allocated for car insurance, and paid the electric bill. I also found a penny on the ground outside a store today. I used $0.69 I had in pocket change to pay for part of my grocery bill.
I got my latest mortgage statement and I paid $155.36 in principal last month. Woo-hoo!
So, here are my update 52 Week Challenge numbers.
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $5592.82
$20.00 slush deposit
$40.00 regular savings deposit
$50.00 cc #1 payment
$155.36 principal paid on mortgage
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $5858.18
I will delay making more cc #1 payments until the end of the coming week because of some other expenses.
I will not be going anywhere for the holidays or having company. My challenge for the next two weeks will be to make as many meals as possible from the food I already have. I will have about $135.00 unexpected expenses at a chiropractor in the next two weeks and want to make sure that does not impact the food budget or other areas unnecessarily.
As part of my recent exercises in gratitude, I have come to realize that whatever my problems, I am incredibly blessed. I have a husband who loves me, friends, a job, a car to get around, money to buy what I need and some of what I want, and the ability to grow food. In the past six months, I have donated food, pet supplies, household goods, clothing, and other items to 1) my college campus's food pantry that serves students in financial need, 2) a local domestic crisis center, 3) the local humane society, and 4) my college campus's office that serves international students.
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Savings Game,
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Spare Change Challenge,
Food Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
December 17th, 2015 at 06:08 pm
Hi, everyone. I got my Pinecone deposit and sent it right away to cc #1.
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $5587.82
$5.00 pinecone payment
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $5592.82
Also, I took the day off today and after a morning appointment which ended earlier than anticipated, we went to a local furniture store and bought the new chair. With tax, it was $435. Free delivery. I put it on cc #1, but plan to have it paid off quickly with the following: 1) I had $20.00 in my slush account, 2) $315.00 from regular savings, and 3) $100 from my paycheck on Friday. I don't like taking so much from savings, but that's what it's there for, right?
And even better, my husband asked if they could deliver it to today and they did about 30 minutes after we returned home. We were very happy.
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Found Money,
Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
December 11th, 2015 at 02:59 am
Hi, everyone.
I got $5.00 from Epoll surveys today, so I sent it right to cc #1. I also sent another $2.00 to cc #1 because I have been doing really well with the fountain card.
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $5573.68
$5.00 epoll surveys
$2.00 fountain card challenge
New 52 Week Challenge Balance $5580.68
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Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
December 8th, 2015 at 07:51 pm
I am doing really well this week with the fountain card, so I am sending an extra $2.00 to cc #1. I will probably be able to send at least one more payment to cc #1 before next payday.
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $5571.68
$2.00 extra payment to cc #1
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $5573.68
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Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
November 26th, 2015 at 05:00 pm
Hi, everyone. I just want to wish Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and hope that you are having a restful, stress free day.
I finally got $5.00 more from Pinecone, so that went straight to cc #1.
Also, I have been doing pretty well with the fountain card, so I sent $2.00 to cc #1.
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $5364.68
Pinecone $5.00
fountain card savings $2.00
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $5371.68
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Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
November 17th, 2015 at 03:04 am
Hi, everyone.
I just cashed in some more survey points and rebates that will come to fruition soon.
I cashed in my rebates at mrrebates dot com for $11.97. I will get that at the end of the month.
I cashed in my survey points at epoll for $5.00.
I will probably be able to cashed in points at pinecone for another $5.00.
This will all make additional payments totalling $21.97 to cc #1.
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Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
November 4th, 2015 at 12:44 am
Hi, everyone.
I am still trying to come up with more ways to spend less on stuff. As you know, I have been paying more attention to stuff I spend money on, like iced tea at convenience stores and such and applying the funds I don't use for that to paying off cc #1. Today, I also discovered that at my work's cafeteria where I sometimes buy lunch and iced tea, they have something called a fountain drink card where you can buy 10 refills (you must bring a refill cup which I already have) ahead of time for $6.00 plus tax or $6.56, which comes out to about 65 cents per refill. Yea. So, I have still been resisting going to convenience stores because that is usually $1.19 to $1.30 per 32 ounce drink depending on which one I go to. But at the work cafeteria, I can use the fountain card and save a lot of money. So, I bought one and have been using it for when I do buy iced tea on work days. Of course, I am also still making tea at work and drinking that much of the time, but sometimes, I want to get out of my office and do something different for a little bit. I am going to figure out the difference between what I was paying and what I am paying now and pay that to cc #1.
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Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
October 29th, 2015 at 03:20 am
Woo-hoo! Spending less money on trinkets, blinkets, and shineys nets you more money to pay on debts and necessities. Sound obvious? Yes, it is, but some of us have to consciously remember WHY we are spending less money on stuff like cups on ice tea from a convenience store so that we can some day be out of debt. I have been consciously thinking about this lately and instead of buying iced tea every day, I have been making my own in a pitcher and drinking that. I also bought a 12 pack of sparkling seltzer water and added lemon juice and stevia for a refreshing, non caffeine beverage. Anyway, I am sending an extra $5.00 to cc #1 just because I have funds to do so due to less spending on stuff.
Prior 52 Week Challenge Balance: $4722.02
cc #1 extra payment $5.00
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $4727.02
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Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
October 2nd, 2015 at 06:34 pm
Hi, everyone.
It has been quite a week at my house. Our air conditioner is finally functioning at peak capacity. It turns out the reason why the fan kept running all the time even if we had it turned off is because of two reasons: something called a relay was malfunctioning and a wire was hooked up wrong. Anyway, it's all fixed now. The weather has been rather cool here this last week, so we have not had the A/C on for at least four days. And because we have our new windows, we have had the windows open that entire time. For the last five years, we have not been able to open windows on cooler days because the windows did not open at all.
Also, today the deposit for my rebate from mrrebates came in and went right back out to cc #1. Woo-Hoo! So, here is my updated 52 Week Challenge Balance.
Prior 52 Week Challenge Balance: $4381.58
mrrebates deposit $10.44
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $4392.02
This brings the balance for cc #1 to $4496.78.
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Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
October 1st, 2015 at 11:21 pm
Hi, everyone. I got my Pinecone deposit today and my husband got his check, so here is the update to the 52 Week Challenge.
Prior 52 Week Challenge Balance: $4309.10
Husband's payment to cc #1 $67.48
Pinecone Deposit $5.00
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $4381.58
This brings the cc #1 balance to $4507.22.
I also got an email from mrrebates about my rebate of $10.44 being available. So, when that arrives in the bank account, I will send it to cc #1 also. Woo-Hoo!
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Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
October 1st, 2015 at 02:04 am
Hi, everyone.
I just got a payment of $5.00 from Pinecone. As soon as it clears, I will send it right to cc #1.
My garden is doing well. My kale and lettuce are about 3 inches hall! In another few weeks, they will be ready for picking. Yummy!
I transferred money the other day to make the escrow payment. The transfer finally cleared, so I mailed the check today.
Tomorrow, my husband's check clears and $67.48 of that will go to cc #1.
I will post an updated cc #1 balance tomorrow after both payments clear.
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Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
August 20th, 2015 at 12:24 am
Hi, everyone. More progress to report on the 52 Week Challenge here. I just got a Pinecone deposit in the amount of $5.00, so I sent it directly to cc #1. Woo-Hoo!
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $3695.11
Pinecone deposit $5.00
Current 2015 52 Week Challenge Balance: $3700.11
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Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
August 15th, 2015 at 01:43 pm
Hi, everyone. Several days ago I got a $25.00 Toluna suurvey check in the mail. I deposited it and as soon as it cleared, I sent it to cc #1. Woo-Hoo! This feels great.
I should be able to cash in at mrrebates before the month is over. That will be about $10.00.
Prior 52 Week Challenge Balance: $3670.11
cc #1 payment $25.00
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $3695.11
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Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
July 29th, 2015 at 01:57 am
Hi, everyone. In the mail today, I got something I had actually forgotten all about, a rebate check for Dickinson's astringent for $4.99. I have already deposited it and authorized payment to cc #1. This brings my 52 Week Challenge Balance to $3302.66. Woo-Hoo!
And now for something to give you a giggle, especially if you are a Star Trek fan. This shot came from an original Star Trek series episode called "The Trouble with Tribbles" that aired in 1967.

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52 Week Challenge
July 28th, 2015 at 02:11 am
Hi, everyone. I got a survey deposit from Pinecone. I will pay it directly to cc #1.
Prior 52 Week Challenge Balance: $3382.67
Pinecone Survey Deposit $5.00
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $3387.67
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Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
July 24th, 2015 at 09:57 pm
Okay. I have been disbursing more of my reimbursement money, so at the bottom is an update of everything I have done so far.
Specifically what's changed is:
$50.00 cc #1 payment
$50.00 another $50 on trip out of town next week
$100.00 slush money redirected towards door bell installation
$82.63 from the other things I have not thought of category (money I spent purchasing a doorbell, transformer, and doorbell button at Home Depot)
Total done yesterday and today is $282.63 .
-50 part of trip out of town (DONE!!!)
-60 house savings (1/2 DONE!!)
-60 car savings (1/2 DONE!!)
-100 regular savings
-200 yard light/doorbell installation allocation (DONE!!!)
-100 cc #1 (DONE!!!)
-75 escrow (-20 TOWARDS THIS SO FAR!!)
-40 fun money
-100 extra slush (redirected towards yard light/doorbell) (DONE!!!)
-283 other that I have not thought of ($82.63 of this spent on buying new door bell at Home Depot)
This brings my 52 Week Challenge Balance up a little bit to $3382.67.
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Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
July 22nd, 2015 at 12:33 pm
So, if you recall in my last financial post, I still had $58.00 of my $500.00 reimbursement left. Well, today I sent that to cc #1.
Also, I finally got the second part of my reimbursement in that amount of $1118.62. I have already sent $80.00 total to house, car, and escrow savings. I have also allocated $200.00 for the yard light and doorbell replacement.
-50 1/2 of trip to fayetteville
-60 house savings (1/2 DONE!!)
-60 car savings (1/2 DONE!!)
-100 regular savings
-200 yard light/doorbell (DONE!!!)
-100 cc #1
-75 escrow ($20 TOWARDS THIS SO FAR!!)
-40 fun money
-100 extra slush
-283 other that I have not thought of
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2885.25
$80.00 Savings Deposits
$58.00 cc #1 payment
$200.00 set aside for home repairs/maintenance
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $3223.25
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Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
July 21st, 2015 at 12:38 am
Hi, everyone. So far, I have only received $500.00 of my total conference reimbursement (it comes from 2 different places). I had a lower balance on cc #2 that what I thought, so I have adjusted my original plan as follows.
$500.00 Total Reimbursement Part 1
$192.00 cc #2 payment (the balance is now $0!)
$ 50.00 cc #1 payment
$100.00 yard light allocation
$100.00 trip out of town at end of month allocation
So, with all of that, here is the update to my 52 Week Challenge Balance:
Prior Balance: $2443.25
Payments and Set Asides: $442.00
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2885.25
I still have $58.00 left out of the $500.00 after all that. I think I may put it on cc #1 because it really needs to be paid down.
This is me right now. I'm so excited!! And this is only the beginning. I have about $1100.00 coming probably tomorrow to spend on debt, savings, etc.
Click on this video of the Pointer Sisters to see just how excited I am to pay off debt and allocate funds for things that I really need.
Text is https://youtu.be/YwKRM_835uk and Link is https://youtu.be/YwKRM_835uk
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Conference Challenge,
Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
July 9th, 2015 at 02:24 am
Well, this month is a three paycheck month for me, so Yay! I have a little extra money and the only thing I have to buy for the next is groceries. So, I sent an extra $60.00 to cc#1. I also put $80.00 into slush.
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2203.25
cc #1 $60.00
Slush deposit $80.00
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2343.25
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Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
July 3rd, 2015 at 03:00 am
Hi, everyone. Well, today was payday (I am usually paid on Fridays, but tomorrow is a holiday), so more money went to savings, debt, and retirement. Also, last Wednesday, I left on my conference trip and returned on Tuesday night. After returning, I also claimed my travel rewards on cc #2 which I used for the trip. After claiming the travel reward, I emptied out my professional account, as shown on the left to pay most of the rest of the bill. That amount covers almost everything, including what I spent on fun stuff, food, hotel, airfare, subway fare, and my share of the rental car. I will also get a reimbursement check from my employer. I am not sure of the amount yet, but in general, I plan to pay off a large amount on cc #1, put money into regular savings and house savings, and also have a outside yard light replaced with something more energy efficient. That is as specific as I can get until I know the exact amount. It may seem counter-intuitive to save my own money to pay off the purchase when I know I will get reimbursed for some of it, but the truth is the amount I get back is only guaranteed up to $500 per year for out of state travel, so I have to save some of my own money also.
Prior 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2095.25
Regular Savings Deposit: $40.00
House Savings Deposit: $20.00
Car Savings Deposit: $20.00
Travel rewards from going on conference trip $28.00
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2203.25
I am not counting the amount I paid out of the professional savings to cc #2 in the challenge because I already counted it. However, I will count the reimbursement once I receive it.
One more cool thing that happened recently was on the day I was returning from my conference, my husband who stayed home was supervising the installation of 3 new windows in our home.
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Conference Challenge,
Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
June 20th, 2015 at 07:19 pm
Hello, everyone. I needed to buy some T.N. Dickinson's astringent pads for my face today. There was peelie attached that I thought maybe was a coupon, but it's actually a rebate for the full price of the item. Woo-hoo!
Text is http://www.walgreens.com/store/c/t.n.-dickinson%27s-hazelets-witch-hazel-pads/ID=prod6155273-product and Link is http://www.walgreens.com/store/c/t.n.-dickinson%27s-hazelets...
So, if you use this product, look for the peelie to get your rebate! This will be $4.99 back for me. According to a comment I saw online, it should take around 4 1/2 weeks to get it. I will apply it to the credit card when I get it. I like this free stuff that keeps coming my way.
I also bought a used bathing suit at the humane society store today for $2.00. Yesterday, at another thrift store, I bought 2 pairs of khahi type slacks and 2 shirts for a little over $2.00 because it was on winter clearance! I badly needed some stuff like this, so this was a boon to me. I don't know why it was on winter clearance, because you can wear khakis pretty much year round, but I am not going to refuse it. That's for sure.
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52 Week Challenge
June 13th, 2015 at 10:43 pm
Hi, everyone. I just cashed in 75,000 Toluna survey points for a $25 check. It could take up to 8 weeks to get it. Ugh, but it's something. It will go directly to the credit card bill unless I have some other bill needing to be paid when I get it.
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Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
May 28th, 2015 at 01:13 am
Over the holiday weekend, I took 2 Pinecone surveys. Today, I got the email that said points had been awarded in my Pinecone account. I previously had a 100 point balance and after the email, had a 1100 point balance. I quickly cashed in 1000 points for $10.00 paypal. I will get it in a few days and apply it directly to the credit card. My husband will get his check on Monday and $37.48 of it will also go to the credit card. And I will also get my mrrebates deposit of about $10.00. I am just swimming in it. How do I keep bringing it in?
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Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
May 20th, 2015 at 06:11 pm
Hi, everyone. I just cashed out my mrrebates account for $10.10. I will get it until June 1st and I will directly apply to credit card debt.
Also, I have realized that I have enough funds for my conference trip saved up, so I am not going to set aside any more funds. I will devote the "extra" funds to the following: 1) $40 to the house account for the windows which will likely be installed soon and 2) $100 to credit card debt.
I have also been using my rewards credit card for my one major grocery purchase each week in order to earn rewards. At the end of June, I will have enough rewards to get a rebate. I will use that to make an extra payment to the other credit card.
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Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
April 4th, 2015 at 09:32 pm
Hi, everyone. I used change in the amount of $0.71 to pay for part of my groceries and lessen the amount coming out of checking. That's good, because checking is a little low. I am going to put it toward cc#1.
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $1237.48
$0.71 change used for groceries
New Balance: $1238.19
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Found Money,
Debt Payoff Challenge,
Spare Change Challenge
March 28th, 2015 at 02:05 am
For four years now, I have been growing a garden, planting my seeds and plants primarily in a small plot at the back of my house. This year, due to an upcoming trip in late June, I decided to make my garden more simple by planting greens in several pots. I deliberately chose plants that I knew would be close to on their way out for the summer by late June and others that will be drought tolerant if it gets kind of dry while I am gone on my trip. I also know how to do drip irrigation by reusing plastic 2 liter bottles. I did the same trick last year when I went on a 3 day trip and it worked great, but I was very surprised at how well it did work. My husband has not been feeling well and is not going on the trip, so he would not be up to watering the plants. Part of my 52 Week Challenge once my plants get big enough to actually start harvesting will be to save whatever money I would have spent buying that food and put it towards my cc debt. I generally spend about $1.00 for a bunch of organic kale, $1-$2 on lettuce, and occasionally buy arugula, but do not remember the price. Sound like a good plan? Let's see how well it works. I checked outside this afternoon and my arugula, lettuce, and kale are already sprouted and are about 1 cm high. I think I have to wait a bit before I can eat it. LOL
In case you are interested in creating a homemade drip irrigation system without buying stuff or being an engineer, there are several good videos on YouTube about. I tried to cut and paste the url for one here, but SA won't let me. I even did the code, but SA just laughed at me.
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Found Money,
Food Challenge,
52 Week Challenge