Viewing the 'Goals' Category
April 22nd, 2018 at 03:27 pm
The car replacement fund is at $4,062.25. This is not counting future anticipated funds or the value of selling or trading in my car.
cc #1 is at 5597.43!
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Savings Game,
Debt Payoff Challenge
April 12th, 2018 at 02:46 pm
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Savings Game,
April 8th, 2018 at 07:30 pm
Yesterday, I saved $27.00 at the store when buying groceries. I divided that up between cc #1 and the car fund.
cc #1 is now $5532.75
car fund is now $3970.25
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Savings Game,
April 7th, 2018 at 08:53 pm
The car fund is now up to $3956.75!
We had to take care of another minor problem this morning. The tv just shut off in the middle of my husband playing a video game and would not come back on. We both right away looked for the remote control to make sure we and the cats were not sitting on it. The remote was sitting on a side table having not been bothered at all. We checked all the cables and everything seemed fine except the tv would not come on. I tried going to a local appliance place to see if they were open today, as we like to support locally owned business over chains. The store was supposed to be open, but was not open, so we wound up going to Walmart. I do not like Walmart, as it drives the little guys out of town, but they are no other choices where we live except to buy something online and that would have taken at least a week to get. Oh well.
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Savings Game,
March 10th, 2018 at 05:55 pm
I now have a total of $3782.12 funds currently available to buy a car.
I am going out today to look for one.
Posted in
March 10th, 2017 at 07:24 pm
Okay, so I have hit a major snag in my plan to pay off cc #1 this year. So, the story goes that last Thursday, the water heater officially died, hence the removal of $500.00 from the house account. It wasn't something I wanted to do, but by the time the plumber arrived, my husband said it was spewing water out the top of the unit. I have not written the check to cover it yet, but it is covered. Fast forward to Wednesday this week when it was 36 degrees outside and our very old furnace was blowing cold air. My husband called a local company to come out and work on it. They "fixed" it, but told us it has a max life of 5 years left. So, we made a mental note to step up the game on saving for the hvac right away. He scheduled a visit with the same company to come out and do a free in home estimate to replace the furnace and a/c. It was basically window shopping so we would know what to shoot for in our savings plan. That same day the furnace quit again, so we began to look more seriously at the quote. The quote is $4564.00 to replace a/c, furnace, thermostat, and a concrete pad for it to rest on. I still had 94% of the tax refund sitting in savings, as we used $95.00 of it to get a new yard/security light installed. When we finally made our minds to accept the quote, we transferred the rest of the tax refund to pay off a large portion of cc #1 in order to cover the cost of the repair. I am definitely going to step up the game of surveys and rebates and not buying non-essentials, like right now!
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Debt Payoff Challenge
January 27th, 2017 at 02:17 am
I am not doing the Uber challenge, but I am doing a challenge to pay off cc #1 THIS YEAR! Yes, this is the year I go debt free of cc #1.
Tomorrow, I get paid again. I have already allocated for the mortgage, cc #1 payment, paid the water/sewer bill, and made a deposit to savings. I still have to buy gas for the car, groceries, some replacement kitchen items, and health supplements.
$3.00 to cc #1 from pinecone check
$79.00 to cc #1 from my pay
$119.00 deposit to savings ($30 to car, $30 to house, $30 to professional, and $29 to medical)
I indicated in my last blog that I removed my husband from my health insurance because the rate went up so high. He is a vet, so he does have access to care, but we won't have health insurance on him anymore. I am saving $29.00 per payday to the medical savings to allow for any significant medical expenses (not co-pays).
I found $.03 on the ground this week. I will use that at the store on Saturday and make a payment equal to the store savings and cash to cc #1. See you later.
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Savings Game,
Found Money,
Debt Payoff Challenge,
Spare Change Challenge
December 31st, 2016 at 01:19 am
1) Pay off cc #1 by 12/31/2017. To do this, make at least $225.10 in payments monthly ($79.00 per payday from my paychecks and $67.10 from my husband).
I made some significant changes in my health insurance enrollment at work because health insurance premiums for myself and my husband went from $111.00 to $163.00 per payday and my dental went from $0.00 to $6.00 per payday. So, my husband asked me to take him off of my health insurance. This will result in about $80.00 less being taken from my pay each payday. My plan for this "extra" $80.00 is to send $40.00 to cc #1 and put $40.00 in medical savings for any out of pocket potential medical expenses.
2) Continuing contributing to savings as normal.
3) Contribute any survey money, rebates, coupon savings, and credit card rewards to cc #1 payoff.
4) Grow as much of my own food as I can. Buy as much other food from organic local sources. This will help me to eat as clean as I can.
5) I will continue to use a refill fountain cup as a way to challenge myself to spend as little as possible on beverages. I will funnel my savings to cc #1.
6) I will continue to use my pocket change as a way to pay part of my grocery store bill.
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Savings Game,
Found Money,
Debt Payoff Challenge,
Spare Change Challenge,
Food Challenge
July 20th, 2016 at 02:17 am
Hi, everyone. I have been doing really well with unplanned spending and also using cash for purchases like iced tea at the convenience store. Because I am doing so well, I am sending an extra $5.00 to cc #1.
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2818.93
$5.00 extra payment to cc #1
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2823.93
The cc #1 balance is now $2963.30!!
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Found Money,
Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
July 15th, 2016 at 03:15 am
Hi, everyone. I get paid tomorrow and so I am sending more money to debt, savings, retirement, and regular expenses. I have already written a check for deposit to savings reference below, paid the gas bill, allocated for 1/3 of the mortgage, and made a payment to credit card #1. I also wrote a check for payment on plumbing work we had done, but that is not a debt.
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2583.93
$40.00 regular savings deposit
$25.00 car savings deposit
$25.00 car savings deposit
$20.00 slush deposit
$5.00 escrow savings deposit
$5.00 medical savings deposit
$5.00 hvac savings deposit
$5.00 professional savings deposit
$5.00 AAA/car tax savings deposit
$100.00 cc #1 payment
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2818.93
I forgot to say that this month is a 3 paycheck month for me, so I have allocated extra funds towards savings and debt repayment. After buying groceries and other necessities, I will contribute more to debt repayment.
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Savings Game,
Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
July 1st, 2016 at 10:05 pm
Hi, everyone. I got paid today, so I am sending more money to debt, savings, and retirement.
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2367.23
Regular Savings Deposit $40.00
House Savings Deposit $25.00
Car Savings Deposit $25.00
HVAC Savings Deposit $5.00
Medical Savings Deposit $5.00
AAA/Car Tax Savings Deposit $5.00
Escrow Savings $5.00
Extra Left in Slush From Last Payday Sent to cc #1 $20.00
DH's Payment to cc #1 $66.70
addendum: Slush Deposit $20.00
cc #1 balance is now $3067.30!!!
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2583.93
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Savings Game,
Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
June 28th, 2016 at 11:59 pm
Hi, everyone. My credit card payment came due again on Friday and despite all the hard work I did at paying a good off, about $30.00 in finance charges were added. It's not even close to maxxed out. I think I need to verify the interest rate, because it's supposed to 12.9%, so the interest amount seems high. This interest brings the balance to $3157.00. Ugh!!!
Anyway, I recently got a Pinecone check of $3.00, so I sent it directly to cc #1.
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance $2364.23
$3.00 Pinecone payment applied to cc #1
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2367.23
After the payment, the cc #1 balance is $3154.00.
I should add to the above that no recent purchases were made to cc #1 which did not get immediately paid for.
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Found Money,
Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
June 17th, 2016 at 01:40 am
Hi, everyone. I get paid tomorrow, so I am sending more money to savings, debt, and retirement.
Old 52 Week Challenge: $2229.23
$40.00 regular savings deposit
$20.00 car savings deposit
$20.00 house savings deposit
$5.00 hvac savings deposit
$5.00 medical savings deposit
$5.00 tax/aaa savings deposit
$5.00 tax prep savings deposit
$5.00 escrow savings deposit
$50.00 cc #1 payment
$20.00 xfer to cc #1 from last payday's slush
New 52 Week Challenge: $2364.23
This brings cc #1 down to $3123.75!!!
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Savings Game,
Debt Payoff Challenge,
Spare Change Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
June 9th, 2016 at 01:44 am
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2224.23
payment to cc #1 $5.00
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $3193.75
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Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
June 6th, 2016 at 03:04 pm
Hi, everyone. I am celebrating here today! CC #1 balance is under $3200! Woo-hoo!
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2221.23
$3.00 Pinecone check
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2224.23
New cc #1 balance: $3198.75
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Found Money,
Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
June 4th, 2016 at 07:14 pm
Hi, everyone. I sent $20.00 to cc #1. This brings to cc #1 balance to $3201.75.
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2201.23
$20.00 payment
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2221.23
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Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
June 3rd, 2016 at 11:55 pm
Hi, everyone. I used cc #2 recently to buy something and got 1.5% cash back. Woo-Hoo! I have already requested a credit to the account to help pay off the balance that is there.
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2198.63
$2.60 rewards from cc #2
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2201.23
Posted in
Found Money,
52 Week Challenge
June 3rd, 2016 at 12:58 am
Hi, everyone. I get paid tomorrow and so more money is going to savings, retirement, and debt.
Old 52 Week Challenge: $2041.93
Regular Savings Deposit $40.00
Car Savings Deposit $20.00
House Savings Deposit $20.00
Medical Savings Deposit $1.00
Tax/AAA Membership Savings Deposit $1.00
Tax Prep Savings Deposit $3.00
Escrow Savings Deposit $5.00
DH's payment to cc #1 $66.70
New 52 Week Challenge: $2198.63
This brings cc #1 balance to $3221.75.
I have a Pinecone deposit coming in a day or two. I will send it directly to cc #1 when I get it.
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Savings Game,
Found Money,
Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
May 31st, 2016 at 06:49 pm
Hi, everyone.
I checked my checking account today and found a $0.99 rewards deposit. We get these when we shop at certain stores. Of course, I sent it directly to cc #1.
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance $2040.94
$0.99 rewards deposit
New 52 Week Challenge Balance $2041.93
This brings cc #1 down to $3288.45.
DH gets his check tomorrow. I went send $66.70 of it to cc #1.
Posted in
Found Money,
Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
May 21st, 2016 at 08:12 pm
Hi, everyone. I overspent some last week, but I am determined not to let it get me down. I was sick with a sinus infection and eating badly, so I wound up buying things I probably did not need. I will be eating a lot of things from my garden for the next couple of weeks. I did use $0.42 pocket change to pay part of my grocery bill today. I will send that same amount to cc #1.
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2040.94
$40.00 regular savings deposit
$50.00 cc #1 payment
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2130.94
Here are my meals for the coming week:
1) Thai Curry Salad - Text is http://www.thecandidadiet.com/thai-cucumber-salad/ and Link is http://www.thecandidadiet.com/thai-cucumber-salad/
2) Cabbage Marsala and a steak - Text is http://www.thecandidadiet.com/cabbage-masala/ and Link is http://www.thecandidadiet.com/cabbage-masala/
3) Salad with mustard tarragon dressing and salmon Text is http://www.thecandidadiet.com/spring-salad-mustard-tarragon-dressing/ and Link is http://www.thecandidadiet.com/spring-salad-mustard-tarragon-...
4) Thai Red Curry Chicken Text is http://www.thecandidadiet.com/thai-red-curry-chicken/ and Link is http://www.thecandidadiet.com/thai-red-curry-chicken/
5) Breakfasts - eggs, chicken, and smoothies with spinach, spirulina, almond milk, seeds, and stevia
6) Roast Beef and vegetables
7) Paleo Shepherd's Pie Text is http://paleogrubs.com/simple-shepherds-pie and Link is http://paleogrubs.com/simple-shepherds-pie
8) Baked Chicken and Vegetables
9) Chicken Stir Fry
10) Tuna Salad
Posted in
Savings Game,
Debt Payoff Challenge,
Spare Change Challenge,
Food Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
May 14th, 2016 at 11:46 pm
We are a little low on funds this week, so I am setting up a food challenge for this week. I am attempting as much as possible to use food we already have in our cupboards and fridge. Here are our planned meals:
1) Breakfasts - eggs, smoothies, veggies, and piece of fruit. I already had 3 out of the 4 dozen eggs needed, butter, coconut oil, carrots, and almond milk. 7 breakfasts
2) Meatloaf w/ side of veggies. I already had sweet potatoes. 2 lunches for DH
3) Lunches Leftover From Last Week. 5 lunches for DH
4) Ham and Bean Soup. I already have the beans, herbs, seasonings, and homemade broth. 4 lunches for me
5) Salads with garbanzo beans. I already have the beans, kale, green onions, sea salt, black pepper, radishes, lettuce, and carrots. The kale, green onions, and lettuce are actually growing in my garden. 3 lunches for me
6) Turkey curry. I already have the seasonings. I will use a turnip instead of a parsnip because I already have it. Text is http://stupideasypaleo.com/2012/12/26/leftover-turkey-yellow-curry/ and Link is http://stupideasypaleo.com/2012/12/26/leftover-turkey-yellow... 1 supper for DH and me.
7) Meatloaf turned into stir fry. I already will have the meatloaf from making it for DH. I already have the seasonings and salsa. 1 supper for DH and me.
8) Tuna Salad. I already had leftover homemade mayo and 3 cans of tuna. 1 supper for DH and me
9) Baked Chicken w/ potatoes and green beans. I already have the herbs and seasonings. 1 supper for DH and me
10) Leftover Chicken. Haven't Decided What to Do With it Yet. 1 supper for DH and me
I think that will come close to meeting all of our food needs this week. I love Food Challenges.
Posted in
Food Challenge
May 10th, 2016 at 04:38 pm
Hi, everyone. I got another snowflake in the way of $3.00 from Pinecone. I sent it directly to cc #1 before I had a chance to spend it on shiney baubles. Woo-hoo!
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2037.94
$3.00 From Pinecone
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2040.94
This also brings my cc #1 balance to $3304! That's the lowest it has been in maybe about 2 years?
Posted in
Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
May 6th, 2016 at 12:14 am
Hi, everyone.
I got some snowflakes earlier this week, so I am reporting that and amounts for my payday tomorrow. I have decided to save in advance for our fees to have our taxes done, as every year, it seems to creep up on us and I wind up taking it out of regular savings - not good. Here are my numbers:
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $1791.20
mrrebates rebates totaling $11.04
cc #1 DH's payment 5/2 $66.70
regular savings deposit for 5/6 $40.00
slush deposit 5/6 $20.00
car savings deposit 5/6 $30.00
hvac savings 5/6 $7.00
2016 tax prep savings 5/6 $6.00
AAA/prop tax savings 5/6 $10.00
medical savings 5/6 $6.00
cc #1 payment 5/6 $50.00
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $2037.94
This is amazing. I have saved or paid off more than $2000 and it's not even June yet!
I am doing a food challenge this week and next to see how little I can spend on food for my lunches and such. I am growing my own kale, lettuce, and green onions, so I have plenty of makings for lunch during that time. I will have some pocket change to put towards my grocery bill and will send the matching amount to cc #1.
I also have a $3.00 payment coming from Pinecone, but I will add it in when I get it.
Posted in
Savings Game,
Found Money,
Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
April 27th, 2016 at 09:23 pm
Hi, everyone. I just got a Pinecone survey check for $3.00 and sent it directly to cc #1.
I also will have some other snowflakes coming soon in the way of DH's payment to cc #1 in the amount of $66.70 and my rebates for mrrebates of around $11.00.
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $1788.20
Pinecone Check $3.00
New 52 week Challenge Balance: $1791.20
Posted in
Found Money,
Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
April 27th, 2016 at 02:34 am
Woo-Hoo! I got my mortgage statement a couple of days ago and it is now $64,776.75! Woo-Hoo!
Here is Snoopy dancing his happy snoopy dance to represent how I feel today. 
Posted in
Debt Payoff Challenge
April 23rd, 2016 at 09:28 pm
Hi, everyone.
I just got paid yesterday and have already paid all bills due, including car insurance, 1/2 of the mortgage, water/sewer, cc #1, and made savings deposits.
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $1604.93
Regular Savings Deposit $40.00
Car Savings Deposit $20.00
House Savings Deposit $20.00
cc #1 regular payment $50.00
Toluna check paid to cc #1 $25.00
Pocket Change Paid to Groceries also paid to cc #1 $13.43
Shopper Card Savings Paid to cc #1 $14.84
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $1788.20
This also brings the cc #1 balance to $3389! Woo-HOO!
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Debt Payoff Challenge,
Spare Change Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
April 14th, 2016 at 01:25 am
Hi, everyone. I got a payment from pinecone today, so I am sending it right to cc #1 before I have a chance to spend it on shiny baubles. 
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $1601.93
Pinecone payment $3.00
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $1604.93
Also, I apparently miscalculated what the balance on cc #1 would be after an earlier payment. After this $3.00 payment, the balance is a whopping $3467.42!

I am going to start setting aside funds each payday, about $40 or so, to get invisalign braces next year about this time. It is something I have been wanting to do for a long time and I have just finally gotten fed up with the problem. I will put the money in my medical savings.
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Savings Game,
Found Money,
Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
April 9th, 2016 at 03:18 am
Hi, everyone.
I just got a rebate of $18.02 for a purchase I made earlier.
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $1583.91
rebate $18.02
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $1601.93
Posted in
Savings Game,
Found Money,
52 Week Challenge
April 8th, 2016 at 02:19 am
Hello, financially savvy neighbors! I will get paid tomorrow and have already paid all bills due, including phone/internet, electric, gas, and 1/2 of the mortgage.
Here are my 52 Week Challenge numbers.
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: $1393.91
regular savings deposit $40.00
professional savings deposit $40.00
car savings deposit $20.00
house savings deposit $20.00
slush deposit $20.00
cc #1 payment $50.00
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $1583.91
Also, my payment of $31.31 hits cc #1 tomorrow, which will bring cc #1 balance to $3519.69.
Oops. I forgot to add my regular savings deposit of $40.00. It is an automatic transfer, so I forget about it sometimes. I have adjusted my numbers.
Posted in
Savings Game,
Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge
April 7th, 2016 at 10:20 pm
Hi, everyone.
I just got my epoll.com deposit.
Old 52 Week Challenge Balance: 1388.91
Epoll.com deposit $5.00
New 52 Week Challenge Balance: $1393.91
This brings my cc #1 balance down to $3551.00.
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Found Money,
Debt Payoff Challenge,
52 Week Challenge