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52 Week Challenge Progress

May 17th, 2014 at 07:54 pm

Hi, everyone. Awhile back, my stepdaughter had some dental work (wisdom tooth removal) done and was not able to pay for her portion on her own. My dh and I agreed to pay it for her and hoped she would pay it back someday. She did have dental insurance at the time, so that paid for a portion. It seems between the two payments, that there was surplus. We just got the refund check today. It is speedily making its way of to cc #2 as I type this.

Prior Challenge Balance: $2003.46

$17.00 refund from SD's dental surgery

New Challenge Balance: $2020.46

Payday and 52 Week Challenge Balance

May 9th, 2014 at 03:00 am

Hi, everyone. I get paid again tomorrow, so more money will go towards debt, savings, and retirement.

Prior Challenge Balance: $1825.46

Deposit to Regular Savings $40.00
Deposit to Car Savings $40.00
Deposit to House Savings for Window $40.00
Deposit to AAA/property tax savings $1.00
Deposit to Medical savings $1.00
Deposit to Professional Savings $1.00
Payment to cc #1 $55.00

New Challenge Balance: $2003.46

I have also already allocated for the mortgage in the checkbook, paid the gas and electric bills, and allocated $20.00 towards 2 new rear tires on the car. I had the front tires replaced
s several weeks ago and will need to to replace the rear ones in a few months.

I only have $31.00 to go on the needed allocation to pay for the rest of the new window! Woo-hoo!

52 Week Challenge Progress

May 1st, 2014 at 08:49 pm

More progress. It just keeps on a rollin' in.

Prior Challenge Balance: $1750.07

DH's payment to cc #2: $65.28, bringing the cc #2 balance to $188.80

Cashed in rebates at mrrebates and applied to new window (house savings): $10.11, bringing the balance to $154.22

New Challenge Balance: $1825.46


52 Week Challenge Progress

April 28th, 2014 at 08:03 pm

Hi, everyone. My stepdaughter, who lives with us, gives us money for rent, etc. twice a month. Much of the time I put it towards a credit card or other debt. This time, I am putting it towards the Challenge.

Previous 52 Week Challenge Balance $1726.07

$20.00 rent money from stepdaughter deposited towards house savings for new window (brings house account balance to $140.11)

Also, while rummaging through my purse for a deposit slip this morning, I discovered an envelope with $4.00 in it I had earmarked to put into savings, except somehow I never deposited it. It goes to my Challenge, too! I deposited the whole $24.00 this morning. That brings the house account up to $144.11. Woo-Hoo! I only have $80.89 to go on the funds needed for the new window.

This brings my new challenge balance to $1750.07.

A Debt is PAID OFF, Payday, and Other Stuff

April 25th, 2014 at 12:41 pm

Hi, everyone. I am doing another snoopy dance. My dh's hospital bill #4 is paid off! Woo-Hoo! Also, I got paid, so more money went to savings, retirement, and credit cards. Will update more with balances later.


$40.00 deposit to regular savings
$40.00 deposit to car savings
$80.00 set aside for new window for house (brings total to $120.11 - need $225.00 by middle of June)
$6.51 pmt to cc #2
$41.51 pmt to dh's hospital bill #4

This brings my new Challenge total to: $1726.07

This is amazing, and so much more than I thought I could do this year!

I will put more towards the window set aside and cc#2 on May 1st.

Mortgage is Down!

April 17th, 2014 at 04:48 pm

Hey, everyone. I'm just a little snoopy dance moment. My mortgage is now under $69,000. I think we are still upside down though compared to the market value. Oh well, I did not buy a house to get rich, anyway.

Payday and 52 Week Challenge Balance

April 13th, 2014 at 11:57 pm

Hi, everyone. I got paid on Friday and since then, several things have happened.

Prior Challenge Balance: $1383.05

Paid $5.00 to cc #2

Regular Savings Deposit $40.00

Deposit to Car and House Savings $40.00

Purchased a pair of shoes on line for $99.97, which saved me at least $50.00

New Challenge Balance: $1518.05

I also purchased gardening supplies and had my garden tilled so that I can spend more on eliminating debt and eating better organic food.

I also allocated 1/2 of May's mortgage and $20.00 for future replacement of 2 more tires. More money went into retirement also, but I am not counting that in the Challenge.

My husband and I also paid a deposit of $225.00 for a new window for our house. It will come to us and be installed in about 8 weeks, when we have to have the balance of $225.00. I have $40.11 in the House Account right now and will work to accumulate the rest in the next 8 weeks. I have some funds coming from mrrebates on May 1st, so that will help.

52 Week Challenge Progress

April 5th, 2014 at 01:15 pm

Former Challenge Balance: $1333.05

Extra Payment to cc #2 $50.00 (instead of the planned $20.00)

New Challenge Balance: $1383.05

I decided to use the $12.10 I got from mrrebates towards buying a pair of shoes I badly need. I have about $30 more in cash for that also and need a total of about $80-$100.

52 Week Challenge Progress

April 1st, 2014 at 03:12 pm

Former Balance: $1267.77

Paid $65.28 regular payment from dh's monthly check to cc #2

New Balance: $1333.05

52 Week Challenge Progress

April 1st, 2014 at 03:54 am

Hi, everyone. I got $7.01 from selling a book online. I immediately sent it to cc #2.

Old Challenge Balance: $1260.76

$7.01 sent to cc #2

New Challenge Balance $1267.77

I will have more payments to make to cc #2 over the next week with cashed in rebates and such. I will post a balance of cc #2 when that is all done.

52 Week Challenge Progress and Payday

March 28th, 2014 at 04:40 pm

Prior Challenge Balance: $1130.76

Automatic Deposit to Regular Savings $40.00
Payment to DH's Hospital Bill $30.00, bringing the balance to $40.44
Slush Fund Deposit $20.00
Payment to cc #1 $40.00

New Challenge Balance $1260.76

Future Items to Add to Challenge:
1) sold a book for $7.01 - will get deposit in about 3 days
2) cashed in mrrebates for $12.00 - will get deposit next Tuesday
3) Make DH's regular payment to cc #2 next Tuesday $58.28
4) will make regular payment to cc #2 tomorrow $20.00

52 Week Challenge Progress

March 14th, 2014 at 03:12 pm

Hi, everyone. I got paid today and so more money went to savings and debt. I have not been counting my contributions to retirement or mortgage payments, because those things are more or less on auto pilot, but I am still doing them. My objective this year is to pay off debt and build up savings.

My prior challenge balance: $932.76

Contribution to Regular Savings $40.00
Contribution to Car, House, Medical, AAA/Tax Savings: $78.00
Slush Fund Transfer $20.00
Payment to cc #1 $40.00
Payment to cc #2 $20.00

New Challenge Balance: $1130.76

I also cashed in rebates at mrrebates. I will get the deposit April 1st and immediately put it on cc#2.

My retirement also went up some and my mortgage down. Yeah!

We also recently got our tax return. We have spent some of it so far and have specific plans for the rest.

$1167 federal
$177 state

Total $1344

Paid Plumber to Have Toilet Fixed $50.00
Paid for New Wave Enviro Water Filter $54.00
Paid for New Guttering On Front of House $196.00

We have not had it done yet and don't yet have a quote, but we will be buying 2 new windows for our house and having them installed.

With the rest, we will be paying off DH's hospital bill #4, which is about $70.00, and the rest will get sent to cc #2.

The last part with windows and payoff of medical and credit card debt frees up monthly expenditures so we will have more money for other things in multiple ways: 1) will likely lower electric and gas usage, which in September, will mean our equal payment amount will get lowered significantly and 2) will lower our monthly payments on debt, so we can concentrate on payments to other debts.

We know for certain to our existing windows are a major factor in our electric and gas usage. Last summer in July, it was very hot in our house, particularly the kitchen. My husband saw an article on the internet about how you can use foam insulation boards like these

Text is and Link is to insulate your windows. They were only about $10.00 a board and 1 board was about wide enough for 1 1/2 window in our house. So we did it and within 10 minutes, our kitchen was 10 degrees cooler. So, after that, we started putting money aside to buy new windows with the plan to replace all windows within 2 years. Then, the recent cleanout of savings to help pay for a funeral kind of derailed part of that plan, but we are going forward with doing 2 windows and will do more as we can afford to do so.

52 Week Challenge Progress

March 12th, 2014 at 09:43 pm

Hi, everyone. I keep money in what I call a slush fund for usually non-emergency related unexpected expenses. I usually only keep about $40 in there. Recently, I discovered there was $60, so I took $20 and put it towards credit card #1.

Previous Balance $912.76

payment from slush fund to cc#1 $20.00

New Balance $932.76

I will be getting paid on Friday and will have more payments and savings deposits then.

52 Week Challenge Progress

February 28th, 2014 at 08:35 pm

Hi, everyone. Today I took the day off so my dh and I could go to a nearby town to run an errand that had been scheduled for awhile. I got paid today also, so I have more progress to report on my 52 Week Challenge.

Previous Challenge Balance: $754.48

$58.28 payment to cc #2
$30.00 payment to dh's hospital bill #4
$40.00 regular deposit to regular savings
$10.00 payment to cc #2
$20.00 deposit to slush fund

New Balance $912.76

I will be making a payment to cc #1 and depositing funds to my other savings accounts. I will post those tomorrow.

52 Week Challenge Progress

February 15th, 2014 at 09:33 pm

Hi, everyone. As you can see from the left side of the screen, my savings is nearly cleaned out. A relative has died with no savings or life insurance. My dh and I were called upon to help with funeral expenses. The husband says there is a "cancer care" policy, but is not sure if it has a death benefit. If our money is not needed, we will get it back, but will have to wait and see.

Prior Challenge Balance: $675.23

Savings Deposit $40.00

Credit Card Payment to cc #1 from checking $20.00

Credit Card Payment to cc #1 (extra money we had from something allocated for but did not buy) $3.12

Credit Card Payment to cc #1 dividend from savings account (found money) $6.13

Credit Card Payment to cc #2 $10.00

New Challenge Balance: $754.48

52 Week Challenge Progress

February 8th, 2014 at 09:31 pm

Hi, everyone. More money in and more money out.

Previous Challenge Balance #647.83

$20.00 paid more to cc #1
$7.40 got some money from selling a book and put it towards cc#2

New Challenge Balance $ 675.23


52 Week Challenge Progress and Pet Peeve

February 4th, 2014 at 03:02 pm

Well, I paid more on debt and want to report on a pet peeve of mine.

$608.86 Previous Balance of 52 Week Challenge

$7.00 Money Previously Allocated for Something We Wound Up Not Buying (saved money twice there!)
$20.00 paid to credit card #1
$11.97 rebate money paid to credit card #2

This brings my balance to $647.83!

Because my employer called off work today due to bad weather, I am probably saving money because I am not out buying something. But that's hard to calculate.

My pet peeve regards cc#2. I got it in 2005 about 4 months after the discharge of my chapter 13 bankruptcy. The company charges an annual fee to use the card. Of course, I could pay it off and cancel the card, but then I would be cutting off my oldest currently open credit line. Not good when I hope to refinance my house some day. So I will keep it and keep it paid off when I get it paid off.

52 Week Challenge Progress

February 3rd, 2014 at 01:57 am

Hi, everyone. I paid some on dh's medical bill, bringing the balance to $96.00. I also put some money into savings and paid to cc's. I will post those balances later.

Previous Challenge Balance $479.86

Payment to Dh's medical bill $30.00
Payment to credit card #1 $50.00
Deposit to savings $49.00

New Challenge Balance $608.86

52 Week Challenge Progress

January 29th, 2014 at 02:11 am

Hi, everyone. I got $5.95 from selling a book, so I set up a payment to cc #2, bringing the balance of that card to $396.00.

That brings my challenge balance to $485.81.

I also got a rebate of ~ $11.00. I won't get it until about Feb. 1, though.

Oops. I made a mistake and counted the $5.95 book sale twice, so I am back to my previous balance, which I think was about $479.86.

52 Week Challenge Progress

January 27th, 2014 at 02:25 pm

Hi, everyone. Not a whole lot of progress, but some.

$20.00 regular deposit to slush fund every payday
$5.95 selling a book on cash4books - paid to credit card #2

This brings my Challenge total to $479.86.

On Saturday, I am going to donate some old clothes and clothing items to a charity thrift store. I need to calculate my tax writeoff for next year.

52 Week Challenge Progress

January 17th, 2014 at 02:30 pm

Hi, everyone. I got paid today, so more money is going to the 52 Week Challenge.

$40.00 to the Car Savings Account
$40.00 to the House Savings Account
$40.00 to Regular Savings
$9.00 to the AAA/Car Property Tax Account

This brings my 52 Week Challenge Balance to $453.91.

I have not done any credit card payments yet. I will do that later and post about it tomorrow.

52 Week Challenge Progress

January 14th, 2014 at 02:06 am

Another $5.00 in from a survey company and another $5.00 out to one credit card.

So, that brings my total to $324.91.

52 Week Challenge Progress

January 7th, 2014 at 02:39 pm

Well, this has turned out to be a lot of fun watching the money just roll in and go out to be paid on my credit cards, medical bill, and to savings. Here is my progress since my last update.

I have noticed that since it is a savings game, most people are putting their money into savings, but I need to pay off debt more, so that is why I am putting much of mine into that.

Previous Balance: $139.91

$20.00 survey payment - paid to credit card #2
$50.00 regular credit card payment - paid to credit card #1
$30.00 regular payment to an outstanding medical bill
$80.00 regular deposit to car and house savings accounts

Total as of 1/7/2014: $319.91

Woo-hoo! I love this game!

Around the end of the month, I expect to get a check for $50 for survey participation. And a little after that, I will get a rebate check from mrrebates.

52 Week Challenge Progress

January 6th, 2014 at 03:41 pm

Here is my 52 Week Challenge Progress So Far:

credit card #2 payment $58.92
credit card #1 payment $3.99
regular savings deposit $40.00
slush fund deposit $20.00
credit card #1 payment $7.00
credit card #2 payment $10.00

Total So Far: $139.91

I am so surprised at my progress far. I have only been doing this since last Friday. This is not all I will be doing this week. I am waiting on the appliance repair man to fix our fridge and then I will pay more to credit card #1 and deposit more to savings.

2013 Goals Progress and Overall Progress Since Last Year

December 30th, 2013 at 07:37 pm

My goals progress this year has been terrible. I admit it, but I'm not going to give up or beat myself up about it. Instead of critiquing my progress on the goals, I am going to examine my overall progress since the end of 2012 based on looking at key areas of my finances.

1) Total savings.
At the end of 2012, my total savings in all my accounts was $2350. Now, it is $765, but I have had to pay for significant car problems this year. I did not go further into debt with the car problems, but it did hamper my savings by having to nearly clean out the savings and then try to rebuild it.

2) Credit Card #1.
At the end of 2012, my total on this credit card was $1957 and now it is $3120. Ugh. No excuses.

3) Credit Card #2.
At the end of 2012, my total on this credit card was $765 and now it is $478.25. I did charge it up some before finally committing to pay it off, so that's why the balance is not lower. I have been paying the minimum plus $56.00 on this credit card. It has 17.9% rate, so I want to pay it off first. Woo-Hoo! It's not huge, but it feels big to me.

4) Mortgage.
At the end of 2012, my mortgage balance was $70,717 and now it is $69,406.99. We have been paying the minimum payment plus $13.41 (that is the amount we would have to pay if it was a late payment and an easily confrontable amount). We will increase this amount gradually in the later future.

5) Retirement.
At the end of 2012, my retirement balance was $46,330.00 and now it is $62,395.79. I did not really do anything major, but with the guidance of a financial advisor, I dumped some funds and other investments that were costing me too much and not giving much return. This is the biggest overall success I have had in 2013.

This is so totally awesome, but there is a lot of room for improvement in 2014. I am going to be concentrating on paying off Credit Card #2 and buildings savings up. I will track my progress and post it.

Another Payday, More Debt Paid Off

August 2nd, 2013 at 06:07 pm

I am really starting to make some headway. I got paid again. I am starting to replace the savings that I took out to pay for a different car. I paid off the rest of dh's hospital bill #3 today. I have paid the credit card #2 to $600.00. That's really remarkable because I can remember when it was $2000.00. I don't have the numbers on the savings accounts yet, so I will update those later.

Car Died, Another Payday, More Debt Paid Off

July 19th, 2013 at 11:07 pm

Well, about a week ago, the head gaskets in my car blew courtesy of a little plastic thing around the coolant hose that fell apart, causing the car to overheat. I had to almost completely clean out the savings in order to buy a different car. I suppose the really good news is that I had the money sitting there and while I didn't really want to use it, it was necessary. It is not easy to get around where I live without a car.

Also, one of dh's hospital bills is paid off. I printed off the cleared check a couple of days ago. Woo-hoo!

My current challenge is to continue to pay off credit cards and medical bills and build up savings to where it was before. I think I will also do a pantry challenge to see if I can make lunches to take to work for the next 2 weeks out of what is in my pantry and freezer.

I will also be getting a raise, but I am not sure when to actually expect it. That will help me a lot with my goals.

More Debt Paid Off and Plan for Extra Payday in August

June 28th, 2013 at 08:25 pm

Well, I don't get paid until next Friday, but we got one of the dh's medical bills in the mail yesterday. I made a $5.00 payment towards it, bringing the balance to $66.52. I am eager to get that one paid off. The balance of what is left in checking will be spent on groceries (around $100) and gas for my car to get to work next week (around $10-$12).

The $30.38 medical bill will be paid in full on July 5th or close to that.

In August, I will have three payday instead of three because I get paid every two weeks.

I plan to get the balance of the $66.52 medical bill paid off in full (woo-hoo!), pay an extra $150 on the $683.00 credit card, and put double the normal amount into all my savings accounts. I need to set aside around $100 to go to a conference in October. I will get reimbursed from my work for part of it, but I have to pay for it first. I will also get a few other small bills (~$20-ish) paid off. Clearing this plate will help me to get the rest of that credit card paid off before the end of 2013 so I can work on the other one.

Anyone Else Have Trouble With BOA?

March 2nd, 2013 at 10:22 pm

Hi, everybody. My dh and I bought a house in 2010. Our mortgage was sold to BOA before the ink was even dry on the documents. We knew it was possible that it could be sold to another bank, but did not know it could happen right away and did not know how to opt out by not signing a certain document. Anyway, with all the bad stuff going on at BOA with them foreclosing on properties that should not be foreclosed on, we have been extra careful with making payments in person, getting a receipt with a time/date stamp on it, and keeping all paperwork organized. We don't want to be out of town one day and come home to our stuff on the front lawn and pets missing. Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago when we found out that the local BOA branch is becoming Arvest, but our mortgage is staying BOA. The closest other branch that is not going to become a BOA branch any time soon that we know of is over an hour away. We intentionally don't do automatic payment or any electronic payments with them. We don't trust them and want to deal with real people, in person, about our mortgage. Credit cards don't really matter from my point of view, but if someone doesn't do their job and records a payment wrong, you could lose your house due to no fault of your own. Our only choice, other than driving over an hour every month to the nearest branch, is to mail in payments. I feel really unsure about this, any way you look at it. We could look into refinancing with one of two credit unions, but do not have the money for closing costs, inspections, etc. Does mailing in payments to BOA work well? Do you have problems with BOA mortgage services?


February 16th, 2013 at 09:15 pm

Well, I am frustrated. Several expenses for needed items and services have forced me to put off other less needed purchases for weeks at a time. For example, our car, which is a Cadillac, needed a tune-up. We just bought it used in January and it had not had a tune-up in awhile. $465!! Also, our AAA membership in January. And that's just the beginning. These expenses have caused me to not be able to put as much towards the credit cards and savings for car, trees, and the house as I want to. Making payments on medical bills also causes problems in this area. Ugh. I went to the credit union and set up two more savings accounts for medical expenses and taxes/AAA membership. I think if I put a little bit every month into these accounts, paying for those expenses will be less problematic. One the other side of the coin, I badly need a new pair of shoes. I wear Asics running shoes daily because I superpronate, which can cause a lot of pain. Maybe I need to start another account for clothing and shoes?

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